US Presidential Election 2024 - Here comes Agent Orange Elect

Tim Walz was a waste of time as VP pick. She needed someone who could do the Joe Rogan podcast circuit.

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That appears to be what you’re doing to be honest with you. Your reasoning amounts to “we acted on the received wisdom and lost but obviously we had no other option and would have lost by more if we’d done anything different, oh well, nothing we could do.” No wonder the Democrats are so shit.

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Vance was a star of this election, held his own in any debate or interview and still came across as more likeable than Trump.

I mean she should have gone on that herself. Might not have made a substantial difference but I expect it will be a big regret.

Tbh the Democrats approach of telling men to vote for them because they should be thinking about about their sisters, girlfriends etc is a stupid line (including with women). At the end of the day, the Democrats did decide a while ago that white males weren’t worth pursuing beyond framing their votes like that and it was a big mistake. It has bled into all of the other headcount type identity politics they’ve indulged in.

Although it probably would have worked if you just didn’t have a candidate like Trump.

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Colbert and the people like him like Stewart are utterly pointless.

They operate within a window of totally unchallenging “acceptable” comment and “satire”, a window which makes their existence pointless. They are entirely controlled “opposition”.

At least dumb entertainment doesn’t pretend to be anything else.

The most damning yet unintentional criticism of American society turned out to be Idiocracy - a dumb, shit film set 500 years in the future which the real America had almost verbatim copied within a decade of its release.

The decline of the Simpsons mirrored America’s decline. The Simpsons was once extremely challenging, cynical, funny and devastating, then it turned into everything it ever railed against and for the last 26 years its continual decline into being a celebration of shit, unfunny, shameless corporate cheese has been a metaphor for America itself.

He will not tell them to fuck off. He is a nihilist and a megalomaniac bankrolled by nihilists and megalomaniacs who is intent on writing his name into history however he can. He will carry out vengeance on those who offered even tepid opposition to him, as all nihilists and megalomaniacs who gain absolute power do.

You don’t have a clue about the U.S. Stop trying to frame things through the lense of what you consumed as a 10 year old on the BBC.


Nonsense. Walz was a far better pick as running mate. Shapiro would have been eviscerated.

Joe Rogan only wanted to have Harris on to ambush her. Rogan is all in on the pro-Russia grift.

You haven’t even attempted to deal with any of my points.

We knew lads.

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I am not a political strategist and I am not here to give false copium. I merely call things as I see them. Michelle Obama or indeed Barack Obama would have lost this election.

Obama’s election was a key event in creating a vicious backlash to blacks and women and any minorities in the US from the white majority, and others easily hoodwinked by America’s dumb, fake, disinformational celebrity, money-obsessed culture. That backlash SELLS. It is highly profitable.

Any decent media in any country would have called out Joes condition years ago. They facilitated Dems staying quiet and ultimately this result yesterday

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Someone had to take a little timeout earlier but the floodgates have opened now, enjoy the next few days lads.


Will they call out Trumps mental decline now?

More speculation and assumptions. Again, the reason the Democrats are so shit. “We’d have lost whatever we did”, defeatist bullshit in my view.

Your point is shit.

Have I Got News For You didn’t stop Brexit, did it?

The “people” with the US has always been its fragmentation.

You’ve no concept of the US. It is not some broadly culturally homogenous entity like somewhere like the UK once was.


Congratulations Ringo.

I told you it was going to be a rough few weeks ahead and that I would enjoy it!

He could invade Canada. Didn’t Paddy Fenian try that at some stage back in the 19th century?