US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Thereā€™s a helluva difference in ating a cat and ating a goose, at least thats what ive been told

A potential shitshow for the GOP, whether it has any impact on the public consciousness is another thing.

What about swans, are they eating swans?

Remember that was supposedly happening here. :slight_smile:

You couldnā€™t keep them pucked out to the Romanian and Polish lads allegedly

I know a lad who was robbing ducks off duck ponds for his dinner. He was Irish though so Iā€™m not sure where that leaves us


The amusing thing for the headbangers if the republicans had any sort of credible candidate instead of this clown theyā€™d walk the election.

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This is what most fail to grasp. Nowhere near all of Trumps vote is a Republican no matter who they put up. Put a normal gop candidate up and he or she ainā€™t guaranteeing 42%.

The ā€œnormalā€ gop politicians have been pushed out by the loons like Trump, De Santos etc.

I would say a lot of middle Americans want to vote Republican because the democrats have made a balls of things lately, but they canā€™t because Trump is insane.

Kamala isnā€™t even a good candidate. Trump is just awful




The dog thing is actually perfect for Trump tbh.

Only missing a whistle

The vice presidential debate on October 1st may well be what decides this once and for all.

Thatā€™s it.

The giddiness here is great.

Needing Taylor Swift to get you over the line, not your policies, is very funny.


Why isnā€™t she out of interest? I donā€™t follow American politics closely for obvious reasons but she seems to be taking it in her stride. Sheā€™s a better candidate than Biden or Hilary Clinton say. Iā€™d say sheā€™s a better candidate than Trump or any of the other headbangers that the republicans could put up, outright lunatics like Cruz or Ramaswamy. Sheā€™s a better candidate than DeSantis or that other headbanger lady who stayed in the primary race with Trump whose name escapes me.

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What are Kamalaā€™s policies?

What are Trumpā€™s policies mate.

Sheā€™s anti hero and believes in shaking it off