US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Protect the dogs and cats.

At all costs.

With guns.

ā€œWell, let me tell you, nobody knows more about policies than me. I have the best policies, believe me. Weā€™re talking about the economy, which I made great, and weā€™re going to make it even greater. You wouldnā€™t believe how great it is. The tax cuts, tremendous, the biggest ever. People said theyā€™d never see anything like it, and they havenā€™t. Jobs, jobs, jobs ā€“ we brought them back from everywhere. Nobody thought we could do it, but we did. We did a fantastic job.ā€


Thatā€™s Taylor pal.

Never mind policies. Concepts are where itā€™s at now.

Iā€™m not sure what debate the loonies on here were watching last night.

The mental gymnastics theyā€™ll do to cheerlead in the name of fairness is something else.

She destroyed him.


Thatā€™s the thing with freedom thinkers / right wing headcases. The internet allows them to dismiss anything off hand as lies when they donā€™t like it or when it doesnā€™t fit with their agenda.

You can say the same for the lefty headbangers in fairness. Theyā€™ll probably call you a fascist as well.


Fucking loon.

Thatā€™s rich from a fascist like yourself.

Sure Greta


Greta is a fucking legend.


When Harris spoke about women bleeding out in car parks due to not being able to receive medical care due to a miscarriage or medical care not helping as they could be prosecuted (Iā€™m paraphrasing here), tbf to Republicans, could that be fact checked? Either on the night during the debate or some sort of evidence given? I realise the whole aten dogs in Springfield, Ohio is a crock of shite, but fair is fair.

How does the fact check work? Do they just respond to things that are untrue or do they have to flash up this is true any time someone is telling the truth? Youā€™d nearly be able to draw your own conclusions without the latter Iā€™d say.

Obviously donā€™t have a vote, but in a choice between Harris and Trump Iā€™m picking Harris - just because Trump isnā€™t interested in anything other than himself. Iā€™d like to think that if Harris uses that example, that itā€™s the truth. It would have been nice for the mods to come in and back it up if required.

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For Trumps carry on after losing four years ago he should be in jail not a candidate.


More of your anti-democratic fascism.

Sheā€™s like FG saying sheā€™s going to change everything if you vote for her, having changed fuck all in the whole time she was there

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Sure thatā€™s politics for you. They come door to door looking for your vote, will promise you the sun, moon, and stars, and very rarely deliver.

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An absolute creep.


Not really the same thing. Itā€™s a two party system there and she wasnā€™t the one holding the reins really.

But in any event, on the record of the last presidency, itā€™s my understanding that the economy over there and jobs and stuff are all doing better than under the last presidency and that thereā€™s a massive investment in infrastructure happening. I think Harris just wants to keep that going.

Personally I think Biden is contemptible for what heā€™s allowed Israel do. Other than that he seems to have done well.

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