US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Genuinely, given trump is a deranged moron, if Harris hadnā€™t convincingly won the debate, youā€™d be extremely worried. She didnā€™t need to do anything but bait him.

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Does Musk even care that his carry-on is costing billions? Twitter/X is apparently only worth half what he paid for it and sales of Tesla arenā€™t too hot lately either.

Sure Twitter wasnā€™t worth a bean in the first place. But he still paid $44b for it. As @Cheasty correctly pointed out at the time, it was solely to control the narrative and help the Don get elected in ā€˜24.

Heā€™s about to become a Trillionare in a few years. I read it on Twitter.

Iā€™d draw the line before the horse myself.


Aside from her having a smaller brain than her male counterparts by virtue of being a woman. she was only picked as vp for the black voteā€¦ And because Biden lost his mind at such a late stage, she was catapulted in as the nominee as there was no time really for a nominee process.

I donā€™t think she would have been selected as the Dem candidate if it was normal circumstances.

But sheā€™s generally incoherent and very stupid when facing ad hoc questions - this is why you hardly heard from her till recently.

Sheā€™s very pro Israel.

Sheā€™s seen as weak internationally, particularly by china.

Other than that sheā€™s grand.

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No because Saudi Arabia paid for Twitter and Musk is part of a trans-national crime syndicate whose real aim is to destroy the US dollar and create an entirely new financial system which is completely rigged towards the criminal plutocrats and create a world of naked despotism. A world where the likes of Musk can make out like bandits on a scale which dwarfs the current level. Twitter is the worldā€™s most influential opinion forming platform by far, and sets the agenda for everything now, so it was an obvious move to control it and rig it for fascist purposes.

Musk cares about power, notoriety, destruction and BEING FAMOUS. He literally wants to be King Of The World. Heā€™s obsessed with people talking about him. He has an almost sexual desire to wreak his anger on the world and destroy it. He has a desperate desire to return to the apartheid days in which he grew up, except with apartheid inflicted on the entire world. All the same stuff which ate Gemma Oā€™Dohertyā€™s brain is eating his brain.

I think I have some insight into this mindset as Iā€™ve been suicidal and nihilistic towards myself for nearly two years now. Once this happens your brain changes, you start believing stuff you never believed you could have believed, you start questioning the meaning of existence, believing your existence has no point, that itā€™s all only a game, and you fall down a rabbit hole of self-destruction. You start to look at self-destruction (ie. suicide) as a goal to be achieved. You go over to the ā€œdark sideā€ because youā€™ve lost all hope.

But my nihilism and wish for harm are only towards myself. My views towards the world outside of me havenā€™t changed, and anyway, I have no power. Muskā€™s nihilism is towards the world. He wants to burn it. He wants to be remembered in history like Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot are remembered. Trump and Netanyahu and Putin have the exact same desire. Itā€™s possible that at one time all these people had some sort of hope, but it was always a shallow, self-centred hope. That hope died early, and the goal became the use of their power towards attaining absolute power towards wreaking their destructive fantasies in the real world.


Tweets like this are such an obvious public demonstration of the author being sexually aroused by his own nihilistic fantasies.

Fascism is about psychology. At itā€™s core itā€™s about fantasy - the sexual thrill of the fantasy of having absolute power to destroy.

Thatā€™s very informative and a bit depressing, Iā€™m glad I decided not to buy a Tesla and no longer use X.

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What Musk is doing here is he is publicly putting out his fantasy of raping Taylor Swift. While obviously trying to maintain plausible deniability.

But thatā€™s what heā€™s doing. Itā€™s a very clear dog whistle.

Is it too late for the GOP to replace Trump? He really needs to be stood down.

They tried but missed.

A lot of Irish Americans love THE DONALD. Old school conservative values. They also love Donald in Doonbeg.

Itā€™s very easy not to buy a Tesla - especially when theyā€™re so shit - but itā€™s very hard not to use Twitter because Twitter is almost a monopoly player in the information market at this stage and had been for a long time before Musk bought it on behalf of the worldā€™s worst people.

You literally canā€™t follow what is going on in the world without being on Twitter. You canā€™t understand the currents of information and propaganda trends and the networks that spread them without being on Twitter.

Thatā€™s why it was so important to world fascism to get it into fascist hands.

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Heā€™s been hoisted on his own petard.

Itā€™s absolutely hilarious the way all the Trump bots have come out with the exact same line.

Itā€™s almost like itā€™s a mass co-ordinated propaganda effort between thousands of bad actors.

It would remind you of the time dozens of Tory bots all put up the exact same Twitter message about a hospital in Leeds.

Itā€™s very easy to stop using Twitter. Just delete the app from your phone. Thatā€™s it. I donā€™t understand how anyone is still on it. Itā€™s a cesspit.


Some fellas arent able for the INTERNET

Yes but then it would no longer be possible to understand what is really happening in the the world.

All social media apps are cesspits but a knowledge of them and what happens on them is essential to understanding the world.

The problem is many people who use social media apps do not have the necessary critical thinking skills to be able to navigate them safely, and these are the people who drive the appalling direction in which everything is heading because they are the most vocal by far. Thatā€™s without even considering the influence of bots, paid trolls and active disinformation networks and now the use of artificial intelligence to drive everything towards fascism.