US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

What are you findingout of twitter that you wouldn’t find out on any major news site like AP, BBC, RTE, Reuters etc?
Twitter is just individual eople’s opinion.

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I don’t really understand the issue with twitter tbh?

Telegram is where it’s at. Is it any wonder macron had to arrest the boss?

Is telegram not for sex offenders and people to pass around child porn?


You can’t understand anything unless you are in twitter

Fuck sake :joy:

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Jesus Christ :joy:

Thats the internet you’re thinking of


I’d say Facebook and Instagram are as big if not bigger problems

Macron, who was groomed by his wife?

A lot. A hell of a lot.

Twitter is both a news aggregator - every reputable news organisation in the world is on it - so if you know how to use it properly it will expose you to an ocean of real news you wouldn’t have got in the pre-INTERNET days, and an opinion forum. There are a lot of incredibly smart people on it. You get exposed to every sort of view. It’s a place for people on the ground to document real events and real injustice and get real news out there. But it’s a whole lot else besides. It’s also a vast propaganda network and a vast organising tool for fascists. It’s a place for people to intimidate and threaten others, to silence them and destroy them. It’s a place that can unleash the darkest forces that lurk within humans. It can unleash mob behaviour, cult-like behaviour, and lead people to total rejection of reality in favour of conspiracy fantasy. It can lead them to absolute real hatred which spills over into the real world.

As well as the possibility of leading people towards real journalism from all over the world, Twitter and the INTERNET has helped destroy journalism.

Twitter works on attention. Things that work on attention will always tend towards the most sensational, the most salacious, the most incendiary content. The attention economy as promoted by the INTERNET and especially Twitter is the number one thing that is driving the world towards fascist dystopia.

Journalism is failing as a business model. People won’t pay. People don’t have the attention. Journalism failing and shutting up shop all over the place means corruption will thrive on a vast scale.

Twitter is now owned by somebody who is very deliberately driving it in the direction of being primarily a network to distort reality in order drive the world towards fascism.

Because it has such a dominant position and because no other rival network has much chance of getting off the ground, this is massive, even existential issue for the world.

Twitter should really require at least a year long training course, perhaps years long, to equip people to use it properly. It’s a toy that most people are completely ill-equipped to use properly. It’s like drugs, it’s liable to permanently change people’s brains and whole personalities if the user doesn’t know what they are doing. The young and the stupid are the most vulnerable to it, and Twitter and the INTERNET in general can and will devour them. The young and the stupid tend to be the loudest voices.

In short, we can’t live with Twitter and we can’t live without it.

Plenty of people are living perfectly happy lives without it


It’s handy for checking GAA scores to be fair.

Tfk is where it’s at

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and nothing else

Weird how people get so exercised about twitter, like you can control what you want to read if you stick to the ‘following’ section.
And what’s the harm in reading contributions of others with a contrary opinion to yours,
It’s mostly shite but it’s grand :man_shrugging:

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You can, but you will live ignorant of the real dynamics of power in the world. Which leaves you ripe to be consumed by propaganda, because the right wing propaganda that is spread by Twitter is increasingly consuming or at the very least heavily influencing all media.

As I said, if you’re not familiar with what is happening on Twitter, you cannot understand the reality of what is happening in the world. If you’re not familiar with Twitter, you cannot really understand propaganda, what it is and how it spreads.

I see people on here who claim to not use Twitter. I see more people in the real world who say they don’t use Twitter. And yet many of these people have views that quite clearly come from the propaganda spread on Twitter. It doesn’t matter whether they directly got their views from stuff they read on Twitter, or not. The point is that the propaganda spread by Twitter (and Facebook and whatever else) doesn’t stay there. It spreads out into the real world.

But the problem is a majority of Twitter users are also ripe to be consumed by propaganda they see on it. We have a load of posters here who are victims of batshit stuff they read on Twitter. Everybody knows who they are.

Cant wait for the self combustion of the awkward squad when trump romps home in Nov.

Im staying off this thread till then. Its going to get nasty

It could be like the Johnny Depp court decision all over again

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