US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Or Paddy Jackson levels.

There wonā€™t be a dog or a cat safe

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Except the algorithm will give you similar views. Thatā€™s how all these vulnerable middle aged chaps get sucked down the rabbit hole.

Telegram and fascism, especially pro-Russian fascism both operate for these purposes, among others.

Shaney gets most of his views from sex offenders.

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At least the seans are okay

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Itā€™s the aggregation (not sure if used correctly), I guess. You can follow the fuckers from AP, BBC, RTE, Reuters & anywhere else on Twitter & itā€™s a one stop shop. Sure you can click into an article one of them links on their Twitter feed that will take you to one of those sites but itā€™s handy scrolling down to get a quick overview of what folk from different outlets are saying without having to navigate through each of the sites. Itā€™s a busy world, horriblecunt, & time is of the essence.

Thereā€™s some truth in what you say there. But letā€™s say your common or garden slightly left of centre person (as the vast majority of people in Ireland are/were).

If they are not on twitter and not on a site where people post whats on twitter like tfk they can live perfectly happily without it and wonā€™t be one bit influenced by it.
They might watch the odd bit of rte/BBC and read an online mainstream media source or a physical paper times/indo etc. Most of which would be left enough of centre/mainstream in viewpoint (compared to the nazi propaganda stuff you refer to).
The vast majority of my friends are like this and you would be a far far happier person if you were too. The problem is you and so many like you are miles down the rabbit hole. Ye are obsessed with being proved right on everything and convinced that your opinion matters even though itā€™s being read by a miniscule number of people. All thatā€™s happening is ye are becoming unhappier and unhappier as ye rail against the thing thatā€™s making ye unhappy on the thing thatā€™s making ye unhappy.
I say in the best faith as Id love to see you pack it in and throw away the phone and laptop.

I know how to use the INTERNET and I understand sourcing and propaganda and I have a nose for bullshit that it is infinitely superior to 99.85% of other people.

What you donā€™t seem to comprehend is Iā€™m actually interested in things, Iā€™m actually interested in the world. Iā€™m not particularly interested in troll battles with simpletons who have no real interest in the world, though I do sometimes engage in them.

People who are actually interested in the world and have a genuine moral compass will generally tend towards unhappiness, because the world is a fucking grim place, and the older you get, the more that grimness exposes itself.

The world is also full of good stuff, and I love that too. Thanks for your concern.

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I find itā€™s giving me stuff I dislike more than like lately. I only have a burner account and never post or comment but I do occasionally like.

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I used to vehemently disagree with Cheasty on a lot of things but he was proven correct on Covid, trump, Ukraine v Russia and Israel v Palestine.

Itā€™s such a pity the time wasters and far right loons have to take up so much of his time on here though.

We should be paying for his opinions.

Luckily, the amount of heroin I use is harmless, I inject about once a month on a purely recreational basis. Fine. But what about other people less stable, less educated, less middle-class than me? Builders or blacks for example.

Lads have gone full Brass Eye here about how they can handle Twitter but the average oik cannot.


Itā€™s comicalā€¦ Spending 16 hours a day on twitter and regurgitating it as opinionā€¦ Then looking down on anyone else who uses twitter because theyā€™re not clever enough to navigate it :grinning:


I must try this Twitter thing some day, I was never convinced

Lads scratching their hole with one hand while scrolling with the otherā€¦all day every dayā€¦thatā€™s who we should be listening to
You literally couldnā€™t make it up


What we need are lads who take opinions from crackpots on Twitter and then record themselves talking about for you to listen to on your smartphone device of choice

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The lads who commented after you here didnā€™t disappoint.

Itā€™s very instructive how @Kyle, @glenshane and @TheUlteriorMotive operate as a pack. They never allow themselves to be isolated. They donā€™t respond to anybody who might challenge them. This forum operates as a safe space for the three of them to lick each otherā€™s holes. The three women haters, racists and conspiracy fantasists.

They revile intelligence.

Others have gone before them. Labane, ttownboy, maroonandshite. They bound together too. Theyā€™re always the same, always utterly predictable.

Real life Beavises and Buttheads.

Brass Eye skewered people exactly like you.

Your post is a dead giveaway of somebody who has lost their marbles entirely, and is pure projection.

The comic timing here is outstanding.

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Sure if lads here had their way thereā€™d be no elections. Or at least only ones being candidates pre-approved by the Politburo

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Very important to elect the candidate who has promised to be a dictator if you want future elections.