US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla


Just delete the file. It’s brilliant

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Thank god he rolled the dice on getting a second term before becoming a dictator

Aspiring dictators continually roll back the bounds of what they can get away with. Putin holds “elections”. So does Erdogan and the Iranians. So does Maduro. So does Assad.

Trump literally tried to overturn the democratic result by attempting a coup, and still refuses to accept the result.

He has no intention of accepting a defeat this this time either and if he manages to get back into the White House should he win or lose, it’s unlikely there will be a legitimate election again for the foreseeable future.

Aspiring dictators usually don’t hand over power

Vulnerable me hole. Middle aged angry morons looking for validation of their racism, hatred of women and anyone not like them.

With the greatest respect (and I mean that) I think you, and heap more on both sides are falling into dangerous “if we lose this election the world is over” territory. Loads on the left seem to think Trump will collapse democracy and institute some kind of police state if he wins. And loads on the right think a defeat here means some sort of communism is inevitable.

Both are wrong. Trump can’t have power for more than four years. His precious constitution sees to that. And the fucker will be nearly 90 by the time his term is over.

And if Harris, and the Democrats were some sort of malevolent left wing pseudo-communist outfit, they’d have already moved America in that direction.


Again, he didn’t hand over power. He staged a failed coup to try and keep it. Do try and keep up with basic history.

Project 2025 is about getting power illegitimately if Trump can’t get it legitimately, and never letting it go.

The Republican party is a fascist party.

You do know trump incited a riot the last time he lost the election and refused to accept the result.

He idolises Putin and the litttle rocket man on North Korea.

It’s far from a stretch to think hell try and stay in some form of power for as long as possible.

Unlikely yes but not the biggest stretch.

He didn’t stage a coup.

It’s some effort to start off with 400 million dollars and end up bankrupt six times.

Read some basic history instead of reciting baseless “calm down” gaslighting. The people who sounded the alarm over the last decade are the people who have constantly been proven correct. On Trump, on Russia, on Israel, on Covid, and much more. The self styled “adults in the room” have consistently been proven to be idiots.

Trump and his criminal cabal are out to bring down America from the inside and end the post World War II world order so it can be replaced by the “order” of a trans-national crime syndicate encompassing a rump fascist America, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, China, North Korea, Iran, Modi’s India, and whichever despots you’re having yourself. These despots very much include Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and the techno bro accelerationist movement. They want a new age of empire. They are plutocrat colonialists. But none of the original colonialists actually wanted to bring down their own country, as Trump does.

The destruction of free society and human rights is an integral part of all this.

In a pre-planned move that was well flagged by people who actually understood what was happening, Trump literally incited an armed mob to go in and try to take over the parliament building and if necessary kill the politicians and others inside.

That is what they tried to do.

Trump should be in prison for the rest of his life.

Two natural allies

They don’t have to be allies, they only have to have loose overlapping interests, which they do.

Bullshit. Not a single politician was harmed. No worse than a BLM “protest”


Were they chanting hang Mike Cheney for shits and giggles?

Aware of the rioters’ chants to ‘hang Mike Pence,’ the president responded with this sentiment: 'Maybe our supporters have the right idea.

They were hell bent on taking power. Went in, ran around a bit, made eejits of themselves. A coup

Killed a few people.

They did. I don’t mean to trivialise that and apologies if I did.

But I don’t consider a small (by US standards) riot as a serious attempt to overthrow the most powerful country on earth

Then you really should. Especially when it was incited by the sitting President.