US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

That’s a sensational line. She deserves to win the election and he deserves to lose it on that alone.

Sick Burn GIF by MOODMAN

I disagree.

As you’re fully entitled to. I’m happy to accept that decision and not demand a crowd to gather in the top square and march on your home.

Could you seriously imagine the reaction if a Democratic candidate for President, especially a black one, declared openly they would not accept the results of the election if they lost?

Could you seriously imagine the reaction if that Democratic candidate sent a mob into the Capitol chanting “hang the vice president”?

They weren’t “harmed” because they immediately got the fuck out of the places where they might be harmed. They weren’t harmed because they hid and locked themselves away. And because the police eventually stopped the headbangers. The same police Trump was vilifying last night.

To the best of my knowledge there was no politician “harmed” in the attempted coup in Venezuela in 2002. Does that mean it wasn’t an attempted coup?

You don’t measure what is an attempted coup by the number harmed. You measure what is an attempted coup by the intent to deny democracy.

This was very funny in fairness.

Like rapey Elon Musk, Russia-funded Trump propagandist Dave Rubin also feels emboldened enough to publicly express his Taylor Swift rape fantasies.

Trump new VBF* is TOTAL racist headbanger Laura Loomer. Look her up.

Laura Loomer posted this racist rant the other day. She’s now online fighting with another TOTAL headbanger Marjorie Taylor Greene, which is lovely to see.

*For those not familiar with Sunday Indo gossip columns of the 1990s/2000s, VBF stands for Very best Friend.

There is irrefutable evidence that Kamala was fed a script all night.


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Where’s Thomas Matthew Crooks when you jeed him?




Look up the word coup ffs.

I used know a coup once. He was a gas aul ticket.

That actually wouldn’t suprise me. Any time she’s spoken before she has come across as a complete idiot. But she is a woman so we have to take that into account also.

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It was a lot of things but i don’t think it was an over throw of gov. It was a riot… But essentially it outed a load of headbangers who spend 16 hours a day consuming social media and believing it. Thankfully our headbangers on here are able to navigate social media and would never fall for such a stunt.


The US nearly fell

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I thinking outing the headbangers was the most important element. I doubt any of thoese people who were rioting as you say, intended to overthrow the government then?

Then it isn’t a coup

I think we need to rename it hi jinks.

This is a great break down of the trump debate.

He was far from a master debater. He just used to shout the loudest.

Harris played cat and mouse with him. She laid the trap and he fell for it Everytime while she never got drawn on his lies and just general weird comments.

You see the little man syndrome break out when she said people were falling asleep at his rallies.