US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

After Taylor swifts post 300k extra people signed up to vote.

Tremendous stuff.


Not bad. That’s about 1% of the voting population dotted around the country. It’ll make a huge difference 1

Getting one percent to sign up in apparently sixteen hours is pretty phenomenal.

You’d imagine that 1% are mainly based in large population centres that are predominantly Democrat anyway

They’ll have hoped for multiples of that 300,000. Thats a bit of a blow and shows no young person gives a real fuck about politics.

No mate. This is huge.

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Shur kamala slipped 15 million lads across the border. 300k is neither here nor there

It’s absolutely bananas Harris is reminding the public trump is a sex offender again and the following day trump is congratulating her on a good debate.

All he’s picturing in his mind as he’s saying it is her head falling into a wicker basket off the guillotine when he gets back in

There was a woman arrested in Ohio on September 6th for killing and then eating a cat.

Why the big rush to come out immediately and say this never happened - can we even believe fact check any more?

I’d imagine Trump’s team will be screaming apoplectically at him not to publicly agree to a second debate with her. 67m people tuned in. You could see the same, or higher numbers in a follow-up. If she moved the dial 2.5pts in both, it could be enough. My aul fella is about Trump’s age. Ever try to convince somebody that age to change what they do, for their own good? It would be rinse, and repeat.


Go tay tay

Where’s she from?

So one instance of it should turn it into an election issue?

He’s very like an old boss of mine, who to get him to change his mind you had to basically use his ego against him.
The only way his handlers can get him to do the right thing is to tell him lies that feed his ego.

So instead of saying Donald you are shit at debating, stop it. They’ll say Donald you trashed her, everyone knows you trashed her, she wants a rematch becaue she knows she lost, don’t give it to her.

That’s why he is going around saying he won the debate. Because he genuinely believes it and everyone around him is telling him the same.

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Was she a Haitian immigrant?

A bit like @glenshane

No the lads on here say it’s actually bad news

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I never commented on it either way just to say it wasn’t made up out of the blue as has been suggested

The fact that it was pluralised to encompass immigrants in general appears to be made up

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