US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

What wasn’t made up out of the blue?

That’s part of the job description.

I read a report from a former WH staffer of his who said the only way they could get him to say a line that might work was by saying, ‘Remember that rally when you said that line, and the crowd went mad, they loved it so much? We think it would go down a storm if you said it again’ and then they would feed him a line that he’d never said in his life, that they wanted him to say.
It must have been an absolute clusterfuck to work for him at that level.

Cats and dogs been eaten alive in the hundreds and the headbangers here want to know the skin colour of the people doing it :person_shrugging:t2:

As an aside, Has @Turenne been to the US lately?


They eat the cats alive?!!

The cats are eating the transgender illegal aliens and it’s all the democrats fault.

Yes. Some Haitian voodoo shit… Apparently they show the poor cat it’s heart right before it dies.


He was involved in Tyreek Hill’s arrest

By god

Sounds messy

You’d have to say the cat incidents and Tyreek have to be connected and we all know who connects them

Eating pussy can be.

That’s how Tony Montana got the scar

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It’s how Mike Tyson got his lisp.

They could have clarified instead of saying complete bullscutter as they did. It just feeds into the mistrust and divide culture .
How hard to say a woman was arrested last week for what he alleges but…

Oh come off it what he said was a lie designed to stir up hatred against immigrants.

Wow. I don’t think she’s Haitian

Look At That There You Go GIF by FanDuel

This entire election will be decided upon whether or not lads are ating cats…trump will probably be impeached for pressurising a governor tlinto finding a carcass or two

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In a proper democracy the cats could vote

The US has gone to the dogs