US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Why would I be livid? And anyway I see what she meant, for the first time in a long time you don’t have US forces actively engaged in a conflict and getting blown up or killed with coffins arriving home draped in the flag.

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Stand back folks, we have an expert here.

Sorry if I don’t copy and paste half a dozen Twitter links with my every post :yawning_face:


She lied.

The vice president lied.

Are you saying someone who deliberately changes their accent depending on the crowd can’t be genuine?

It’s either that or she doesn’t know what’s going on. Neither a good look

Considering the ticket she got in on that would seem most likely.


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We really don’t need or want to see what batshit stuff you look at on Twitter.

Stop posting it then.

Mate my post was aimed at you, not me. But to be fair I probably shouldn’t have assumed your grammatical command would be superior to that of the average two year old.

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The only Twitter I see is the reams of it you spend your day posting.

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Sorry I should have remembered you prefer Telegram.

You give more entertainment there than here anyway that’s for sure.

I don’t post on Telegram, mate.

Just out of interest, are there many examples of people turning down the chance to be VP? I mean examples other than them running their own campaigns to be President.

Gerry Ford?

Gerald Ford was a congressman and house leader of the Republicans, he became VP when Spiro Agnew resigned.

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He turned down Reagan to be be his running mate in 1980? That’s what had him in my head.

Reagan pulled the rug from under him

Ford wanted joint presidency or something daft, Bush Sr got the gig and the rest as they say is history.

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