US Presidential Election 2024 - here comes Kamabla

Heā€™ll unilaterally change the American constitution and install his ex-wife as a dictator? Get up the fucking yard Fagan will ya. Heā€™ll play a lot of golf and continue being a massive cunt but thatā€™ll be the extent of it.


I have 1000 on Harris and 850 on Trump

I think Ivanka is the daughter. Otherwise yes, I would think this is entirely possible.

You headbanger

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And thereā€™s no checks and balances there to stop him doing so? Wow maybe youā€™re right. We are about to enter the Trump dynasty, ruling America with an iron fist. North Korea style like?

Donā€™t be encouraging the lads now Fagan you should know better.

I find it unlikely his one remaining ex-wife Marla Maples will become dictator of the USA. His other ex-wife canā€™t become dictator because sheā€™s dead. Iā€™d be surprised if she wasnā€™t murdered on the orders of Trump.

Iā€™m not encouraging anybody. Iā€™m of the view that with the Supreme Court so stacked nothing is off limits. Who would have thought five years ago that Roe v Wade would be gone.


@Sidney, and he was predictably correct.

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Typically naive posting by @Horsebox here.

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Iā€™d say stacking the supreme court to get an abortion ban in a deeply Christian country might be a little easier than installing a dictatorship that would see a Trump dynasty rule America for the foreseeable future. Itā€™s absolute fucking nonsense.


Nothing says pro-life like executing a very likely innocent black man just because you can.

True freedom is the freedom to execute for the hell of it.

Vote Republican.

Youā€™re a bad bastard :smile:


What do you think the Republicans have been working towards for at least three decades now?

What do you think Project 2025 is?

I could be wrong, I accept that. But these are lawyers plucked from the lower rungs of academia/ the judiciary to do Trumps bidding. They are not legal heavyweights.


Nonsense. Deranged nonsense.

Youā€™re shouting. Shouting isnā€™t an argument. You didnā€™t answer the questions.

Are you a keen follower of American politics? How often would you read about it? What sources do you read?

I recall a previous poster who styled themselves as an expert on American politics shouting abuse at former poster @Sidney that they were deranged for thinking the Republicans would overturn Roe v Wade.

@Sidney was right, as he usually was.

If America were dragged into a world war type scenario would elections still go ahead on time ?

Your contention is that if Trump wins he will install a one party dictatorship that will see his family rule America for the foreseeable future. And Americans will be ok with this. My contention is that is nonsense. Letā€™s see how it plays out. One of us will be wrong.

America held elections in 1940 and 1944 and held the election during Covid.

The only thing which would threaten the elections being held is a September 11th style attack the day before or something. Even if one of the candidates was assassinated the day before I would expect the election would still go ahead.