Abortion - Yay or Nay? Labane and Sid talk American politics, Codegreen ponders on the cost

Fair play to him for acknowledging and apologising for being an absolute cunt. He was still an absolute cunt. Pathetic comment.

A classy resolution.


Great to see the South lead the way on this issue.

Isnt abortion legislated for at a federal level. So this will be challenged at supreme court level. The point being to test Roe vs Wade. I expect Brett and co to uphold their predecessors decision and abortion to remain legal theoughout the union. Or am i deluded!

That is the aim and yes you are deluded if you think the Supreme Court will uphold it

The Republicans are at total war with any sort of progressive politics

Overturning Roe v Wade has been their aim since 1973

Thatā€™s why Biden is a terrible candidate for 2020 - heā€™s totally deluded about the true nature of Republicans who cannot be negotiated with in any way

Yes, these state laws are unconstitutional. There is zero chance that the Supreme would uphold these laws and overturn Roe v Wade as it is essentially settled law at this stage. Basically what is going on is a battle between two extremes, the ā€œbible beltā€ that wants abortion outlawed unless the womanā€™s life is in danger and the most progressive states which want no restrictions at all on abortion.

I suppose we will have to wait and see.

Has radical prison reform not just passed through the House, Senate and Trumps office recently! Surely thats progressive and something that was negotiated. You are very Manichaean in your world view.

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More hysterical nonsense.

70% of Americans do not want to see Roe v Wade overturned, 84% of Democrats/Democratic leaning and 53% Republicans/Republican leaning. It is simply not going to happen.

What could happen is more clarity on restrictions on abortion. Only 30% of Americans support abortion being legal under any circumstances, which reflects the law in most developed countries.

Itā€™s staggering in the time of Trump, who flouts the law at every turn, that there are actually still people who still havenā€™t cottoned on to the Republicansā€™ game and labouring under the delusion that the Republicans are in any way a normal political party.

They arenā€™t, theyā€™re authoritarian crackpots along the lines of Putin or Orban.

Their game is judicial activism, ie. to turn the US into their backward far right wet dream.

Or fascism, in other words.

Not only do they want Roe v Wade overturned, they want an entire federal ban on abortion.

Little things like law donā€™t matter. The whole point of judicial activism is that you write your own law the way you want it.

Thereā€™s a reason Trump said that women who have abortons should be punished. Itā€™s because thatā€™s what the Republicans actually desperately want to happen.

Delusion doesnā€™t even begin to cover anybody who doesnā€™t understand that.

How many want Citizens United?

A quick Google shows 80% oppose it.

Polls on this sort of issue mean fuck all.

You seem to have nothing except polls and a horse race ā€œunderstandingā€ of politics.

You have very little understanding of what goes on in real politics and what drives those involved in it, hence your consistent and shameful downplaying of the total craziness of Republicans at every level on every issue.

40 year Supreme Court precedent overturned just two days ago:


Apparently that was ā€œsettled lawā€ as well.

Or not, as it turned out.

But in the time of William Barr, sure as long as the delusionists believe the bleatings of Barf Oā€™Kavanaugh and other judges who were picked to overturn Roe v Wade, allā€™s grand, or something.

The broad church that is encompassed in the United States from California to Alabama is amazing. Overturning a right to abortion at federal level is the sort of thing that would see States seceding from the Union.

Itā€™s not going to happen, the only ones who believe Roe v Wade will be overturned are the same people who want no restrictions on abortions, they are as extreme as those who want an outright ban.

Calm down there before you have a stroke :joy:

The same people said Trump could never win.

You have zero understanding of the US and constantly embarrass yourself here and elsewhere.

The views on abortion in the US are as diverse as in any other developed country, a significant majority want abortion legal in most circumstances up to a time limit and want restrictions beyond that time limit. Just like in Europe, where laws vary from country to country on restrictions, local state laws in the US vary as well. Itā€™s not that hard to grasp.

Seccession is illegal my friend, unfortunately. The case of Texas V White in 1869 was the last of it. The supreme court has taken the view from the constitution that the Union is indestructible.

Correct, because they have very little grasp of reality and in their arrogance assume their extremist views are shared by others. The reality is most people are not extremists.

This is seen as an attack front and centre on women removing a right they believed to be settled and those battle lines are getting deeper. Imagine the reaction if Muslim majority States existed and imposed these kinds of bans.