US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

They’re all hilarious speeches, Ann Romneys was puke inducing.

A long way to go until the poll that matters. I’m REALLY hoping for some former lover (preferably a transexual nun) to come out of the woodwork, there MUST be someone somewhere.

All you smug liberals make me want to vomit.

That shouldn’t be a problem for you, given the bile you horrible right wing loon jobs build up.

(How are you Tinnion? Hope you’re keeping well mate)

Fitzy surprised that a politicians speech contains a few lies. Obama is the worst American president since Jimmy Carter. His only achievement was getting Bin Laden.

Eastwood crying for the 23 million unemployed :rolleyes: Me hole he is.

Wasn’t he quoted a couple of weeks ago as saying he votes republican because they’re good for rich people?

What a cunt.

Not sure I’d agree with that. I think history may judge him reasonably kindly for being a very steady hand at a very challenging time for the USA. The one criticism I hear time and again from Americans is that he is lazy which of course is code for black.

At this stage of his presidency he is streets ahead of where Clinton and Bush were.

What is fairly clear though is that Romney is the worst challenger since Barry Goldwater. Mike Dukakis looks positively charismatic by comparison.

That is horrifically cringeworthy.

This is really sad. It’s terrible to see a great persona like Clint Eastwood reduced to this shit. I really hate it when characters
like Eastwood reveal themselves to be flutes. Was very disappointed to find out that Kelsey Grammar was diametrically opposite to Dr Fraiser Crane too.

[quote=“Appendage, post: 575514”]

This is really sad. It’s terrible to see a great persona like Clint Eastwood reduced to this shit. I really hate it when characters
like Eastwood reveal themselves to be flutes. Was very disappointed to find out that Kelsey Grammar was diametrically opposite to Dr Fraiser Crane too.[/quote]

Did you see Clint’s superbowl commercial?

‘it’s half time in America’

Sent from my HTC Desire S using TFK App

No. Please don’t tell me anymore. I’m too upset.

Viewer beware.

That’s pathetic.

Taking advantage of an Alzheimer’s patient like this is surely a criminal offence? He’ll be talking to an empty chair next.

The best bit was when he got the RNC audience to derisorily laugh at Dubya’s decision to invade Afghanistan.

I guess you had to be there…

God Bless America

Brilliant stuff from Jon Stewart on the Fox news coverage of the Democrat and Republican conventions