US Presidential Election Campaign 2012


I see Mitt Wrongly has fucked up again.

He’s a pretty poor candidate in fairness and ultimately that will probably be Obama’s saving. I think the republicans at the recent convention were jostling for position for 2016 more than being 100% behind Romney and this years effort.

The Republicans were happy to let this one slide. It’s probably one to lose anyway. Plenty of hard decisions to be made in the next 4 years after which your candidate can rock into an economy in the right stage of the cycle, sity back and do nothing and get all the credit.

They’ve spent a fuckload of money for an election they were happy to let slide.

Apparently there are more video nasties to come from Rob Me.

That’s part of the reason they ended up with Romney - he could outspend the other candidates in the primary season. I think that he’s always been viewed with suspicion by the god-loving tax-minimising government-resenting dye in the wool republicans. The only thing that keeps them contributing is the depth of their hatred for the communist Obama.

Of who’s money?

I’d say they were just happy to come out of this without a raving right wing nut who would completely alienate half the party. The tea party nearly ripped them down the middle, so they are still in recovery mode.

They are really gearing up for 2016 and have I’d imagine been saving all the decent candidates for then.

Ah that’s bullshit to be fair Julio. For a start, the party can’t stop anyone running for the presidency, so they can’t “save” candidates. There is no way they don’t care about winning this election, they would almost certainly be controlling all three branches of government if they do and could cut a hell of a lot of taxes and (in theory) spending. The money they are spending is the money they are raising from rich people and corporations, the same as any election. Not really sure what you’re getting at there. They’re not “recovering” from the tea party now either. To a large extent, the tea party is now the Republican party. It’s certainly now the loudest and most dynamic element of the party.

Today should do a huge amount of damage to Romney. The 47% he was getting at was the number of people that don’t pay Federal income tax. Apparently a fairly decent proportion of them would pay payroll tax. Definitely a good proportion of them wouldn’t automatically be voting Obama. If you were one of that 47% and working your arse off for minimum wage and Romney just basically called you a sponger then you shouldn’t really be inclined to vote for him.

For a lad that made several hundred million he has a fair ability to shoot himself in the foot by mouthing off. Not exactly a presidential quality.

Didn’t see a whole heap of decent candidates hanging around the GOP primaries. They all appeared to be varying degrees of nut jobs. If there was a decent candidate you’d think he or she would have fancied their chances against the weakest incumbent in 30 years.

It’s not the election to win Fagan you could realistically be facing an Israeli war, continued unemployment, the fiscal cliff, 4 harsh budgets and hyper inflation towards the end.
Rock in 4 years later, blame the black man and be in control of the white house for 4 terms as things turn around

They said the same thing in 2008.

Romney’s proven to be an unbelievably bad candidate and this election is pretty much over now. The 47% comment was bad enough (ignoring the fact that as pointed out above, many pay payroll tax, a lot are retired and a portion of that percentage are millitary families) but the comments about the killing of the US Libyan ambassador wedre extraordinary, expecially the timing.

Turenne makes a good point, they said the same in 2008. No way they are happy to lose this or any election. This just goes to show how deeply divided the GOP is , between the nut jobs and the moderates (relatively speaking). The Democrats can at least get behind a candidate as a whole party, with some discipline. There’s so many factions within the GOP its always going to be hard for them to reach a consensus candidate. Which is of course great news altogether.

The demographics are entirely against the Republicans as well. No minority will vote for them, and that includes the often very religious Hispanic vote that they have attempted to appeal to over the past decade. They appeal almost entirely to an Anglo-Saxon voter base, in a country that is becoming less and less Anglo-Saxon every year.

They will eventually capture enough of the middle ground to win the presidency though, with or without the extreme rhetoric. The sooner the better. The entire political spectrum has been drifting to the right for 30 years and it’s not as if Democratic presidents are going to (or are even capable) of reversing that trend.

The best thing that could happen is that these extremists take office and pursue their extreme agenda. Only when that happens will things ever come to a head and will this madness be confronted.

The Republican establishment will never let an ‘extremist’ take over. Honestly, there doesn’t seem to be any bright lights within the Republican party, a Republican Obama. Romney was by far and away their best candidate and he has shown himself to be deeply incompetent.

I bet people said that about the Nazis.
