US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

aeroplanes windows do open mate

I have Obama winning with 360.

What do ye see it as?

I have never been less interested in an American presidential campaign as this, it is very one sided and Obama will not lose. Briantinnion, can you vote or have you to be resident in America for a certain amount of years first?

Have people totally lost interest in this?
First debate tonight…

How big a landslide do ye think it will be?

Won’t be a huge landslide. Obama will win 330-210 Electoral College and 52-48 on the popular vote.

This is how I have it after looking into it a bit more: 347-191

If things really go away from Romney he could lose Arizona, Indiana and Missouri as well.

I haven’t been following any of this but just wondering what the general consensus is on Paul Ryan? Is he a realistic candidate for the main job in the future?

This is a bit of a piss take when you can get North Carolina alone at 5/4 with Stan James:

US Presidential Election How Many Of The Following States Will Romney Win? Betting Odds
NONE from SEVEN - Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, N Carolina, Florida
6/4 Ladbrokes


He says Ayn Rand inspired his political ideas yet also claims to be a big fan of Rage Against The Machine. That is quite a contradiction.

[quote=“cluaindiuic, post: 575592”]
This is a bit of a piss take when you can get North Carolina alone at 5/4 with Stan James:

US Presidential Election How Many Of The Following States Will Romney Win? Betting Odds
NONE from SEVEN - Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, N Carolina, Florida
6/4 Ladbrokes
[/quote]I think Romney will lose North Carolina

No clear winner it seems from the first debate, probably most significant is that Romney has done well and not made a complete arse of himself. This debate centered on the economy, Obama’s biggest problem. While the economy will feature large in the remaining two debates, no matter what the format will be, there will be more debate about foreign policy and social issues which Obama should do well on.

Romney will probably have to go on an all out attack if he doesn’t get a poll bump after this, which could of course lead him into more trouble. Obama will play it very very safe from here on in.

The GOP primaries were much more fun than this. How I miss the halcyon days of Perry, Santorum, Paul, Gingrich, Buchanan (? the female mental one) and that other lad who got done for sexual harrassment.

Obama had his ass handed to him tonight (I am a supporter and thought until now he would win in a landslide). It is now a 50:50 race with Romney having finally established himself as a strong candidate. Obama was hesitant and never went after Romney even on obvious opportunities. All the Democratic pundits are shocked at Obama’s poor showing and there is universal agreement that Romney won handily. Obama has a lot to do before the next debate and may not be helped by the VP debate being next. Ryan has the potential to blow a very large hole through Biden.

Fitzy’s blinkered views here (and his insistence that the fundamentals are sound in Australia) are making very entertaining reading.

Romney walked that.


Alright, I’m just going on the reports I read. Still can’t see Romney winning it though.

Our fundamentals are a hell of a lot better than yours Tinnion.

The black chap got a Rodney King esque beating.

Fucking fitzy is as bad as kibman- giving analysis on games he didn’t watch but of course still being 100% correct in their views, just leave it off brah.

Isn’t everyone 100% correct in their view? Personally, I think Obama was probably carrying an injury, there’s a lot of it going about.

FFS Fitzy :rolleyes:

I think Obama suffered a bit from everyone expecting too much of him and too little of Romney. A victory for Romney was not to fall off stage, people expected far more from Obama and were left disappointed. Its still got some way to run bit the gap has most definitely closed. We’ll see how expectations change in future ones but at least its got a little more interesting and gives Obama the kick in the hole needed.

Romney won that easily enough.
Maybe it is an expectations game but Romney cleared the bar with ease. Obama forgot to jump.