US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

As stated above, I’d love to see Perry win it, as he is a mentalist. But looks like he’s losing badly, and for that I’m upset.

National polls at this stage of a primary campaign are not very meaningful - this time four years ago Hillary was a mile ahead of Obama, and McCain looked a dead duck (that may have been a few months earlier in the cycle, but you get the picture). Things shift very quickly with events - namely Iowa and New Hampshire. Iowa is a caucus, so will largely be determined by who shows up. Romney possibly won’t win that because he wouldn’t be very popular with the type of Republican that will turn up to vote in an Iowa caucus, and there will then be an overreaction to that. That would be the time to put money on him to win the nomination, because I’d say he will win NH comfortably enough and will be the presumpative nominee from there on in.

Ricky Perry made a complete clown of himself during the debate last night. Forgot his own lines and couldn’t remember them even after he took his cards out. Even his own supporters are saying he should forget about it :lol:

Herman is a great loss to this campaign

hank williams jr will be gutted his man is out :frowning:

Was gonna link to that myself. I nearly pissed myself laughing when I read it. The Onion is fucking brilliant. Shame it’s gone beyond a paywall. A rare example of a website I would consider subscribing to though.

Iowa caucus on tonight. It will be into the early hours GMT before we have a winner. I stop looking at what is going on for a couple of weeks, and I come back to find that Rick Santorum is seen as having a good chance of winning this. :lol: Between himself, Paul and Romney apparently. Gingrich has fallen back in the face of some attack ads over the last few days it seems. If Romney wins tonight I’d say it’s as good as over.

Romney will win Iowa (11/10). Romney will be the Republican Party Candidate (odds too poor to wager). Obama will win the election (5/6).

i hope paul wins hes a crazy bastard,romney is like some kind of slimey 2nd hand car salesman,santorum is just a sleazy lookin snakey cunt,i put a small bet on paul for tonight

I was talking to a friend from Iowa on this yesterday. She had nothing to add to what has been written above but I did find out that the caucus involves people walking through rooms and standing in certain corners of the room in order to be counted. They haven’t moved onto writing votes down properly yet.

Is your friend a democrat? Apparently the democrats do as you describe but the republicans favor the secret ballot. Sort your shit out.

That is broadly correct, though I think the process can differ from caucus to caucus. I also think that Rocko is being somewhat unfair in his dismissive tone when describing the process. It encourages some bit of active involvement by voters anyway. A community gathers and the some of the people there speak for their favourite candidate. They then indicate their preferences, either by written ballot or show of hands or by gathering in corners for particular candidates. If you ask me, that is better than the usual voting experience. It doesn’t really matter whether or not the total votes are recorded - they are not added up into any State-wide total or anything like that. The caucus goers select delegates to go to county conventions, who then choose delegates to go to the State convention.

Yep friend is a democrat. She was describing the primary the last time around. She stood in an Obama section and then other people came over and asked her to move (with offers of cupcakes etc) but she stood her ground. There were too many for Obama so they all had to go outside and wait for a couple of hours and then walk through a room where they were counted. It’s nice and participative but a waste of fucking time.

not sure that Obama will win it. He won a number of states 51-49. 53-47 and it won’t take a lot of a swing for him to lose some of them. If the economy continues to flatline, he is as vulnerable as Jimmy Carter. Republican candidates are shite, that guy who is a governor in NJ or somewhere like that (forgot the name) could win it but he is too smart/not ready to run.

I always thought the Caucasus was in Georgia not Iowa.

Very narrow win for Romney but he’ll pick up a lot of momentum from that. Ended up 30,015 to 30,007 over Santorum.

The American system of democracy is bizarre.
First of all both political parties are so far right that our guys would be seen as Pinko Liberals.
Then you have the blaming of the President for not making reforms even though he is blocked every step of the way.

Obviously our politicians are absolute retards but at least when you put one of them in charge they can actually follow through on their promises (not that they do). Its a much better system

The Republicans are in trouble, they want to pick someone way right, but to win they need someone closer to the centre.
They’ll get the far right votes whatever happens, considering how much they hate Obama, but they need to find someone who can free up some of the floating voters Obama caught the last time. Most of the candidates are too extreme to do this and Romney brought in the free healthcare which Obama based his plan on so I don’t know how he can go after him on this.

The Republican race is wide open for a late entrant imo