US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

I think Santorum would be good for the job.
He is a good god fearing Christian and devoted family man. We need to return to good old American values.

What values are they then?

Thats the end of Santorum, even though he did very well in Iowa, because he threw everything he had, which wasn’t much, at it. Romney will be the candidate and Obama will win.

A pity, as previously stated, I would have loved to see Perry as the GOP candidate.

Julio is right in a way, it is wide open for a late alternative candidate to enter the race, but I can’t see who that would be, unless Jeb Bush went for it?

Rudy Giuliani

How many of these primarys do they have to contest?

There’s around 56 or so but realistically it won’t be a contest long after Florida and Super Tuesday will definitely decide it as most of the candidates will withdraw.

The huge thing for Romney here is that Santorum polled less that Newt Gingrich. Santorum polling well here could have posed a problem going into the south.

Paul doing well here would lhave been somewhat expected as New Hampshire (state motto: 'Live free or die) is a more liberal thinking state. He should drop a lot of support between now and super Tuesday.

Perry and Huntsman will withdraw in the coming week or so and it looks like shaping up for a battle between Romney and Gingrich between now and Super Tuesday. A lot now hangs on how Gingrich goes in Florida and if Romney can convince the Republicans that he can beat Obama.

Not a hope, too left wing, east coast for the GOP.

I am officially withdrawing all interest in this race, unless Mitt Romney is caught banging a 3 foot tall Haitian transvestite Nun with a large strap on, as its now as good as over. Dreeply disappointed Perry won’t be the candidate.

What sort of parent christens their child Mitt, or Newt? Americans are fucking weird sometimes.

Romney could be in trouble now. The overturned result in Iowa questions his candidacy. He was always going to win in New Hampshire where the voters are of a much more liberal mindset.

He hasn’t been able to address the concerns over his tax records and it trying to put it off until April. He got openly booed in the final debate ahead of the South Carolina vote. Gingrich is gaining and if he can answer the rumours that he asked his second wife for an open marriage then he could run Romney close. If Gingrich takes South Carolina and bring the momentum to Florida then it’s difficult to see him losing out on the candidacy.

Perry stepped out of the race and is backing Gingrich so that should give him a stranglehold on Texas as well. If Santorum steps out then he could act as a king maker as he’d bring over a the Tea Party crowd.

Gingrich is available at 4/6 for South Carolina and 6/1 to win the Republican candidacy.

Interest rekindled Fitzy?

Democrats are 8/11 to win the election with Sky Bet. Those are very generous odds. Rupert Murdoch is offering FREE MONEY here.

Just seen this now, jesus christ fisty do you know anything about american politics,ghouliani=left wing FFS,get your coat and get off this thread

Fitzy is a tool, thats been established with a long time

I clearly know more than you you moron (and get the guys name right FFS its Giuliani). He’s pro-choice and favours tax reform. Truly things that will win you the republican nomination. If you’re going to come on here and have a go at people then get your shit together before you do idiot boy.

Kev - fuck off.

What have I missed Croppy? There seems to be a swell happening for Gingrich, which is hilarious. His past indiscretions have been forgiven by the rightous as old news and he’s found god, so everything’s hunky dory. Newt Gingrich. The man for whom the phrase FFS was invented.

Have any of you had a look at the nominees websites? They’re hilarious, I’d strobgly recommend a preusal. If you collect hyperbolic, cliched campaign slogans, you’ll have a ball.

Stop press - I am officially calling this race - Chuck Norris has endoresed Newt Gingrich, surely thats it?

Read your original post you mong

Oh dear.

Just spotted that :lol: :lol: :lol:

And it’s the top headline on his website

Gingrich has thrashed Romney in the South Carolina primary. :lol: 14% the margin.

I’ll say it again, 8/11 on the Democrats to wiin in November is FREE MONEY. I can nearly see Obama winning Texas at this rate.