US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

No doubt Obama will beat Gingrich. Romney not so sure . it would be a real dilemma for the right thinking folks down south who to choose between them.

Last couple of days makes it very interesting now. He fairly trounced Romney in the end. The Republicans could probably do without a lengthy race but they’ll get one now.

Will ron paul run as an independent this will be his last chance

He’s mad as a cut snake, so thats a distinct possibility.

Gingrich’s surge makes things slightly interesting in that it lengthens the time the GOP tears itself apart. Romney will still be the candidate, but it will be a hugley fractured party going into the Pres election. Sid’s free money looks pretty safe.

MF - what I meant was that Giuliani to the average Republican looks left wing. He’s not left wing of course, he’s a rabid right winger, or tries to give that impression. He used to actually be a Democrat.

While I posted Rick Santorum’s website above, I recommend Googling Rick Santorum, the results are rather disgusting and not befitting a family website like TFK (though very funny).

Gingrich seems to be a complete fruitcake as well. Regardless of how nuts the the eventual Republican candidate is though, they’ll be reigned in significantly when they have to be marketed to people who aren’t mental.

Gingrich is the ultimate fruitcake. He was comparing himself to Reagan yesterday, always a good place to start.

Obama is the ‘Food Stamp President’. They’re not even trying to be subtle anymore. :lol:

Its getting and will get very very nasty. Great fun will ensue.

Gingrich seems to have delusions of grandeur which reach truly epic proportions. He described the Palestinians as “an invented people” as well which was a nice touch.

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 575392”]

Gingrich seems to have delusions of grandeur which reach truly epic proportions. He described the Palestinians as “an invented people” as well which was a nice touch.[/quote]
Oh yeah, he sees himself as an intellectual. I really hope he gets the nomination. It would be a very entertaining year.

Speaking of delusions of grandeur, there’s his wife (the current one) as well, dripping with free jewellery ($500k’s worth).

I repeat the 8/11 on the Democratic candidate winning in November is FREE MONEY. I predict a Barry Goldwater 1964-style implosion for the Republicans unless a Santorum-Tebow ticket can be arranged.

Hard to see Ron Paul having the money to run as an Independent after spending so much running in the primaries.

Maybe he can get backing from Trump to finance a run. This could benefit Trump who would probably fancy a crack at the Republican candidacy in four years time so he’s probably prefer a Republican didn’t win this time around.

Yeah the Republicans are completely fucked. If Gingrich wins they haven’t much of a hope in any of the States outside of the Bible Belt and if Romney wins then he can’t attack Obama on his health policies as he imposed similar policies in Massachusetts.

Will be throwing some money behind that on pay day.

An Open Letter to Newt Gingrich From the Pastors of Poor Children

Mr. Gingrich,

For this you still owe our children an apology:

“Some of the things they could do is work in a library, work in the front office, some of them frankly could be janitorial; what if they clean up the bathrooms, what if they mopped the floors, what if in the summer they repainted the school; what if in the process they were actually learning to work, learning to earn money; if they had their own money, they didn’t have to become a pimp or a prostitute or a drug dealer. [If] they had the dignity of work and learned how to be around adults who actually wanted to mentor them and help them. This is not a casual comment… It grows out of a lot of thinking over many years of trying to figure out how do we break out people trapped in poverty who have no work habits.” – Gingrich

We, the students and faculty of the Delaware Annual Conference Ministerial Institute of the AME Church, representing over 34 congregations and their constituents throughout Delaware and southern Pennsylvania are outraged at your continued demeaning of poor children and their families.

As a candidate vying for the Republican Presidential nomination, to suggest that poor children collectively lack a work ethic and drive for legal and productive work is entirely classist. Your national platform is no place for such irresponsible remarks. Our children deserve better than your degrading rhetoric.

In fact, they deserve an apology, and we – their pastors and advocates – demand one.

Mr. Gingrich, what your remarks have demonstrated is a failure to acknowledge the resilience of many who work daily and yet are unable to escape poverty. For many, low wages, a poor economy, and sparse full time employment opportunities have landed many families into the category of what the U.S. Department of Labor & Labor Statistics call the working poor. Contrary to what your remarks propagate, a significant number of children in households below the American poverty line (and those one paycheck away from it) are in homes with working family members; many of them are in our congregations weekly and are active citizens.

Mr. Gingrich, not only did you get the “cause” of poverty wrong, but your “solution” is just as unsubstantiated and offensive. Mandating that poor children become the janitors of their own failing public schools to better their work ethic is not a well thought out, viable, or realistic solution. Such a proposal is not only insulting, it is ridiculous.

Where would the currently employed janitors work (obviously this is a back handed assault on union employees)? If poor children are to benefit from extracurricular employment, why not at least provide STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) opportunities to increase their competitiveness in the global marketplace? Why not invest in education reform instead of cutting back early education/head start programs? Why not put forth solutions to the unemployment crisis in our nation, so that those who have the dignity, but not the work, can have an opportunity to build a better future for themselves and their children?

But, no – instead you fan the flames of prejudice to get votes. With a move right out of Lee Atwater’s Southern Strategy play book (i.e., “Welfare Mothers” = Lazy Blacks), you have managed to stir the xenophobia and racist fears of your far right republican base with the statement:

“I’ve been talking about the importance of work, particularly as it relates to people who are in areas where there is public housing, et cetera, where there are relatively few people that go to work.” (Emphasis added)

Mr. Gingrich, the poverty of many poor minority children is the byproduct of systemic injustices that bar them from participation in the American Dream because of their racial and social location – not laziness.

We understand that you are of the “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” camp, but the last time we checked Mr. Gingrich, it is impossible to pull yourself up by your own boot straps, and even more difficult when you have no boots to begin with.

Consequently, as pastors and leaders of the poor and their children, we are called to champion those without the boots of opportunity, fair play, and justice. For us not to mandate an apology for such biased, erroneous and offensive remarks would be as irresponsible as the remarks themselves. Today, Mr. Gingrich, we extend to you the opportunity to recant your “war on poor children” rhetoric and the opportunity to apologize to our children for speaking such falsehoods over their lives.

Awaiting your response,

Delaware Annual Conference Ministerial Institute

The Rev. Dr. Janet J. Sturdivant, Dean of Ministerial Institute
The Rev. Silvester S. Beaman, Chairman of Board of Examiners
Sis. Joi Orr, M.Div, Organizer & Institute Student

If there is a another recession and unemployment skyrockets Obama is close to unreelectable. Even Gingrich would prosper in such an environment.

Romney released his taxes and revealed that his is paying an effective tax rate of just under 14% - normally US citizens of his wealth and earnings would pay around 35% but he has availed of Bush legislation governing investments and his charitable contributions.

However almost half of his contributions to charity were to the Church of Mormon so I’d expect a serious investigation to see if any of these funds have found their way back to his campaign treasure chest.

Gingrich apparently left both of his previous wives when they were seriously ill so that will probably come back to bite him in the ass at some point. Though he does have the below to push virally.

Green shoots in the US economy and unemplyment is down from close to 10% to 8.5%. Its going the right way slowly for Obama, depending of course on what happens to the European / World economy this year. I still think he’ll sail the pres election. The vast majority of American people are going to look at Gingrich and an increasingly right wing Romney and shit themselves at the thought.

[quote=“Fitzy, post: 575400”]
Green shoots in the US economy and unemplyment is down from close to 10% to 8.5%. Its going the right way slowly for Obama, depending of course on what happens to the European / World economy this year. I still think he’ll sail the pres election. The vast majority of American people are going to look at Gingrich and an increasingly right wing Romney and shit themselves at the thought.[/quote]

Incumbents don’t lose if the economy is going in the right direction. As a rule. That said we’ve never had a black incumbent before.

The race card is a double edged sword for the Republicans in the general election. It will only play really well in States that they will win anyway. It could piss off Hispanics in vital swing states though. It certainly isn’t stopping Gingrich from playing it freely during the primaries though.

Fidel Castro has lambasted the Republican presidential race as the greatest competition of “idiocy and ignorance” the world has ever seen

He ain’t wrong