US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

They just can’t bring themselves to nominate Romney, so the alternative is Santorum.

Please make this so. Santorum will be a gift that keeps giving, almost potentially better than a Rick Perry / Sarah Palin ticket.

Unless he wins

I’d put his chances of winning the general election at fairly close to zero. Unless they find Obama’s real birth certificate before November of course…

I see the Super PACs ‘raised’ more money than the campaigns did in January. That Citizens United verdict has made US politics even more ridiculous and skewed towards corporations than it already was.

I don’t know, it would actually be hilarious if he won. Nothing would change really, but it would be fun. Won’t happen of course.

From listening to a lot of coverage about it, there seems to be momentum gaining for another late candidate to enter the fray, but when the interviewer asks whatever party aparatchik / expert available, no one seems to know who that would be.

Realistically, only Bloomberg or someone with his amount of money could do it. Won’t happen.

Such is their frustration though, they are hoping and (probably) praying that someone will save them. Wonder why Jeb Bush doesn’t run?

Sorry, thought you meant third party candidate.

Jeb and some other prominent Republicans might well be hanging back for 2016. It’s generally quite difficult to beat an incumbent unless they have been an absolute disaster. The only ones that have lost since the war have been Ford (never going to win post Watergate), Carter (hugely damaged by the Iranian hostage crisis) and Bush (possibly would have won if Perot wasn’t in the race, and Republicans had been in the White House for 12 years). In that time, Truman, Eisenhower, LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush have all been re-elected (and FDR was re-elected three times just before that).

[quote=“Fitzy, post: 575430”]
Such is their frustration though, they are hoping and (probably) praying that someone will save them. Wonder why Jeb Bush doesn’t run?[/quote]

Need another 4 years to de-contaminate the brand .

I heard something before that the American president is actually elected by a couple of hundred people?
I can’t remember what the system is called. Can someone please explain it to me.

Electoral college -

Yeah, they’re all called Chad.

That’s a bit long. Bullet points please.


  • Reagan?

I think basically the people of a state vote, the winner in the state gets the electoral college votes. Some states have a disproportionatly large amount of electoral college votes, whcih means its possible for a President to be elected even though he did not get the largest number of direct popular votes.

With the Super PAC’s, its actually surprising a third party candidate hasn’t emerged.

Basically, the people don’t vote directly for the President. They vote for delegates to the electoral college who are pledged to vote for a particular candidate at the college. Where it would become weird would be if a third candidate actually won a few States and no candidate could get an absolute majority of delegates at the electoral college. In this case, the President would be elected by the House of Representatives where each State delegation would have to vote as a single bloc and have one vote each. I guess there would be huge questions then as to whether the State delegation would vote according to how their State voted in the Presidential election or if they would vote along their own party lines.

Sound Braz, all sounds a bit ridiculous. Have these delegates ever voted for someone who they weren’t actually supposed to vote for?

Who will Bandage, Tinnion and Flano be voting for in this election?