US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

[quote=“The Runt, post: 575442”]

Sound Braz, all sounds a bit ridiculous. Have these delegates ever voted for someone who they weren’t actually supposed to vote for?[/quote]
I think there have been a couple of cases over the years, generally thought to have been mistakes and never swayed an election. The delegates are chosen by the campaigns so unlikely to go rogue.

I’m pretty sure Bush beat Gore 271-266 as opposed to 271-267.after one of Gore’s delegates didn’t vote.

Yeah, the story of that one is in the Wiki link that WTB put up. It was one of the DC delegates. She abstained in protest at DC not having any representation in Congress.

Super Tuesday today. Haven’t had time to keep properly up to date - how are we looking at the moment? Not a single article on the contest in the Guardian today from looking around. All seems to hinge on Ohio anyway. If Romney wins that he’s effectively home and dry.

From yesterday:

Looks liek Romney should emerge as the clear favourite today. Gingrich will win Georgia but nothing else.

If Romney can’t separate himself from Santorum it could happen that the GOP look for an undeclared candidate for convention.

I saw a fucking hilarious piece on Fox News this morning which has convinced me they are shit scared and pretty much think the game is over for this presidential campaign. They harked back to 10 January 1980 when Ronald Reagan was at 30% in the polls against Jimmy Carter with 62% (I find it hard to believe that Carter had that much support then). And look what happened. Then they shuffled Ron’s son Michael Reagan, another fuckwit, to tell all and sundry that because of this, Mitt Romney will beat the shit out of Obama in a landslide.

Game over, Fox News have given up.

Was hoping this would keep me entertained until I go to bed with the rain at the cricket, but unfortunately Wolf Blitzer and co. are not coming on screen here til midnight.

It’s actually beginning to look possible that there won’t be a candidate with a majority of delegates at the convention. This is for two reasons:

  • The Republicans changed their rules this time around so the primaries are not winner takes all anymore.
  • The SuperPACs have made it easier for candidates to stay in the race for longer.

The longer this goes on, the longer Romney has to pander to the lunatics that make up the Republican electorate. That just hurts him more and more for the general election. (Less of a problem for Santorum, as he is a lunatic anyway.)

Doesn’t a lot of the lunacy get put to one side once the general election starts anyway? How likely is it to taint the candidate in the long term?

Pretty easily, when the gen e;ection starts, you just roll out the GOP candidates greatest loony hits and watch.

It does get put to one side, but it’s harder to keep it there in the YouTube era.

That’s true alright. I always get the impression that people overstate the damaging effect of the real crazy stuff though, sometimes it seems like wishful thinking. From what I’ve seen the Republicans aren’t that bad at re-calibrating for the mainstream audience.

Surely Obama has damaged his own grassroots support fairly irreparably as well? It’s hard to imagine that the enthusiasm which got him elected the last time is going to be there.

The enthusiasm will certainly be gone, but will be replaced by a very well-funded, efficient and experienced campaign team. Ultimately it will be the votes of Independents that will be important, not the enthusiasm of the grassroots.

I think Romney has been careful not to say anything that will come back to haunt him, he’s just gone aggressively negative when he’s needed to (mainly using his “independent” SuperPAC to do it). What will hurt him is that he’s a fairly shit campaigner, and the longer he has to do it the more uncomfortable he looks. The more references he makes to how loaded he is, the more he looks like a Republican John Kerry. Ultimately, if the recovery in America keeps to any kind of a decent pace til November I can’t see Obama losing.

Headline on the Washington Post today - “Tonights Results May Bring Clarity - Or Not” :lol:

How much of the “recovery” in America is just people falling out of the statistics because their welfare has run out?

A lot I’d say, but there are definitely signs of recovery. Unemployment is below 9% now.

Well, haven’t checked to make sure I’m exactly right on this, but my memory of the last few months of statistics is that there has been a run of months where the number of people in employment has increased as opposed to the number of people on welfare decreasing.

Ohio very close at this point

Romney 39%
Santorum 38%

I was kind of thinking of a whole “would you do Ann Romney or Karen Santorum” sub thread, as I had seen some relatively decent photos of Romneys spouse. But on further research realised such photos were air brushed to within an inch of their lives and decided they are both utter dogs who should not be touched by Bandages barge poll.

I’m sure all TFK forumites will join me in offering a prayer for Rick Santorum to win Ohio. It may well happen, very close now.

Looks like it will be Romney in Ohio, by a whisker. And thats having outspent Santorum by a huge multiple.

I didn’t realise so many people actually bothered to vote in party based primaries, well over a million votes here in Ohio.

Americans are mental.

Ohio Primary Results

Results as of 12:17 AM ET | 0:45
Candidate Votes % Won Mitt Romney 437,654 37.8% Rick Santorum 430,425 37.2% Newt Gingrich 169,303 14.6% Ron Paul 107,271 9.3% Other 13,447