US Presidential Election Campaign 2012

Romney is blessed that Iowa didn’t go to Santorum so the delegates are free to choose at Congress. It looks like he’s living on a knife edge the the slight victory in Ohia as well.

If he gets the nod it could be the most boring election ever. At least if Santorum got it the Bible belt/religious nuts would be mobilised against Obama (who would win regardless) and we’d get some great coverage.

I think I’m going to be in the US the week of the election, should be good.

Hmmmm, would it be fair to say those that voted for the nutters Gingrich & Paul would be far more likely to vote for Santorum than Romney? America needs a good nutter, its been far too boring.

No Paul is a Libertarian and sits closer to the middle and liberal end of things. His voters would be far mar likely to go for Romney.

With Gingrich it’s more difficult to know as a lots of his vote seem to have been drawn from mainstream Republicans than are disillusioned with Romney. He (Gingrich) will be digusted that Palin only now revealed that she voted for him . An endorsement like this a few weeks ago could have put him on a level footing with Santorum.

It’ll be interesting to see where Paul goes from here. If he withdraws now it could set him up for a run as an Independent. A move that would be a death blow for the Republican challenge in November.

A few commentators I heard this morning were spruiking a Romney / Santorum ticket. Please let it be so.

Mississippi and Alabama going to the polls today. The Republican primary electorate in those two States must be something else I’d say. Apparently 52% of Mississippi voters believe Obama is a Muslim. :lol:

Anyway, Gingrich may pull out if he doesn’t win at least one of them, which would be a boost to Santorum. Romney polling well though.

Sanatorum wins both!

A win for family values and to be honest, comedy.

The state of his family, what a bunch of gimps.

No wonder Peyton is avoiding a move to the South.

1/2 on Obama - free money?

What can stop him bar an assassination ?

The American people can stop him!

What price is an assassination?

I called this ALL OVER RED ROVER in Republican Race and also the Election a long time ago. Nothing I have heard or seen since has made me think there is the slightest chance I will be resigning from the forum come results nights in the Repblican and Presidential Races.

I don’t think something as trivial as the US Presidential election would necessitate you resigning from the forum Larry.

I’m a poster of my word Fitzy. I can assure you though that both predictions will come through so you can rest easy.

I know what you’re saying Larry, but Romney’s wife could be raped and killed by a black man, in which case he would win in a landslide. I’d hate to see such a valued contributor to TFK have to leave over something so boring.

Interesting article here from the Post about the GOP electoral maths 9or math as they would call it)

Looks like it could go to the convention, which would be gas altogether.

Some people on here don’t seem to realise that the US President is the de facto Ruler of the World.

I thought you were?

Ah, I never claimed that. I think Kev knows someone who did though.