USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

I’ve a feeling this is going to need a thread of its own.

Shit just got real and the Donald will be seething. The cunt could do anything and he has the fucking nuclear codes :see_no_evil:

Let’s go iran


At least 6 bombs have hit the US airbase. The one trump was telling the Iraqis they’d need to pay for in order for him to leave.

I wonder are the people in dunbeg changing their opinion on the cunt now?

Have they been bombed?


What are the odds he declares war on twitter or something

He’ll have to respond now. This could get tasty

I would imagine we would have heard about it if they had been

It’s Clare lad. People would barely notice if twas bombed

Is there internet down there?

I’d say there’s some amount of journalists the World over just staring at Trumps twitter feed right now waiting for him to say something mental

Twitter awash with various rumours.
One being that US fighter jets have been scrambled from the UAE

Turning on CNN and cracking a can. Fuck it

I’m half thinking of getting back up and doing the same.

I’m on nights tomorrow. And I never sleep anyway. It’d be remiss not to.

Nice to hear you TFK from bed too

I’m watching The Two Popes on IPTV.

I’m going to pray for Iran.

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Will flick between CNN and Al Jazeera.
Will have a can or a coffee not decided yet

I’m thinking the same only they won’t have anything other than wild speculation for at least another hour. Situations will be fluid and everything will be unconfirmed

The wild speculation is the highlight for me.

Edit: the clips of the “missiles” in CNN look like a home video of a few screamers on Halloween.

ABC news saying they have confirmed reports from Government sources that the attacks have taken place at multiple bases including Erbil. The poor Kurds stuck in the middle again

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