USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

Trump is mobilising a massive strike.

Bombing US air-bases and taking down 737s. The Iranians meant business last night. Some top, top news articles to wake up to.

He’ll do nothing.
What the fuck was a passenger jet doing taking off last night ?

It looks like no US or Iraqi casualties caused by the rocket attacks. Iran kills 50 odd of their own at a fuckin funeral and shoot down a Ukrainian passenger jet just after take off. Amateur hour by the Iranians.

The passenger jet was a Boeing. News outlets claiming it as another 737 problem :joy:

That Poznan meteor will end up slamming into downtown Tehran next.

Although a 4.5 mag quake is like someone slamming a door really.


A lad I know is moving to Israel next week for 12 months as part of a new project his employer is taking on.

I’d say he’s shitting it now :joy:

Bit mad that we are at a point where the US is happy enough for Iran to launch missiles at it, so long as it doesn’t kill anyone.
But it looks like we’ve avoided WW3 for the moment

This is brilliant leadership from the Iranians. They’ve saved the world from WW3 and if Trump doesn’t respond they’ve won.

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I saw footage somewhere supposedly of it falling out of the sky on fire before crashing and exploding. There’s so much fake shit out there at the moment though.

I’m due to spend time in Dubai in February :popcorn:

Mrs Mac booked you an all expenses paid trip last night?

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One way

Typical @Mac making it all about him. That’s nothing, I’m staying in the Trump hotel in Chicago next week.

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That’d give the game away. She’s a smart lady Mrs Mac.

I intend to play a round of golf and have afternoon tea in Doonbeg in the summer. By then all manner of shit could have gone down.

I heard there’s an Iranian missile on its way there. Be careful mate. Bring a brolly.

He jumped at the opportunity when he was told he would be paid his salary while he was over as normal but also everything would be paid for while he was over there. If he lasts it out and comes home in 1 piece after the 12 months he’ll have around 50k saved up in 12 months time…

€50k will go far in an Iranian prison camp