USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

Most airlines changed flight plans that involved flight over Iran last night.

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They must have all got the memo about the upcoming surprise attack on a US airbase in Iraq


Russia :man_shrugging:

The Yanks have shat it.

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Iran has won this episode

Trump has backed down

Iran appears stable and sensible

The US is now* perceived as a rogue state


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It is diplomatic genius from Iran. Look how the US are so scared that they won’t respond to missiles being fired directly into their base. They’ve also probably lost all their bases in Iraq over it, very smart! Iran finally hammers the US out of Iraq, what a martyr Suleimani is.


You could be right. The Donald is in a very sombre mode there on the news.
Either his Lucky 15 went tits up or he’s had a missive bearing grim tidings…

Maybe, or maybe they thought it wasn’t a good idea to be sharing air space with missiles

President Trump and our brave servicemen and women have done the world a great service. The Iranian threat has been shown to be of little substance at this point, a pathetic effort from them really. We just remain vigilant though and ensure they don’t get nuclear weapons. The continued alliance of Russia, Iran and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party is a threat to global security.


Iran are still in Iraq and America are running home with their tea in their mug.


The Yanks literally don’t know whether they’re coming or going


"On the question of whether Shannon could be targeted by Iran in response to US military action against Tehran, Mr Eslami said: “I would rule that out for the time being. This is a very far speculation. We are very far from such a situation.”

We are so lucky to have such a benevolent Iranian ambassador in Ireland.

Sure ourselves and the Iranians are brothers in arms

That’s disapppointing

If the Iranians flattened Shannon it would save the Irish taxpayer a lot of money

It’s been an absolutely resounding victory here for Trump. Probably the most decisive and efficient operation the Americans have carried out in the middle east.

Iran have been put firmly back in their box.


3000 rounds a minute.

Be some yoke to shoot crows @KinvarasPassion


Looks fake, but cool

Thought the graphics are better than the old missile command I used to play on the Amiga. I’ll give them that.

Is trump a lucky general? One drone strike and iran left looking like chumps, the saudis might even fancy a go at em at this stage.