Useless cagers and annoying habits

Stage 2 of the grieving process. Group hug time.

What gets in your craw are first world problems while complaining about Ireland being a first world country.

Humility, manners, courtesy & doing your job are first world problems?


And your experiences and views seem to be in conflict with the majority of opinions on this board. Maybe itā€™s a Cork problem rather than an Irish one.

I think roads are better. The motorways of course. But the surfaces of the smaller roads have improved as well.

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To be honest alot of it is fueled by what i am seeing alot of other people go through.

A client of mine recently, and i thought this was very informative and similiar to how some of my friends think, said this when i asked him about watching a show on tv about people being evicted on spurious basis by banks now? He said he would feel too bad and guilt watching that. Many people i know, often quite successful, are the same. This guy himself is a top man, great client, great company and very helpful to me in say looking for a premises. So iā€™m not saying people are bad but are either blind or turn away from reality.

You have that gobshite Kenny trying to tell people they delivered 93% of their promises, and unfortunately in this world, just saying it makes it true. The level even on here of acceptance of ā€œwhat you were toldā€ or what we always did" etc is mind boggling considering how exposed people in power have been (government, media, church, sports stars etc) over the past 15 years, largely due to the internet and new science.

Iā€™m not anti- people going out and making more than someone else, iā€™m a long way from naive, iā€™m out there myself trying to make something. However the rich are getting richer and the poorer poorer. There are 3rd world conditions all over Ireland, and very often this is due to things outside peoples control.

Yet with all this we are to accept 2nd rate cops, 2nd rate and out dated laws, 2nd rate amenities, 5th rate education and on and on.

There should be a place for anyone in any country who just want to tip away and luve a quite not so busy life without the threat of starvation or being thrown out of his house. That actually does not exist. You can now see the difference in the kids who have had 2 working parents all their lives. Some of this was greed, some was neccesity. I actually donā€™t mind the greed, thats a choice. However ordinary people should be able to make a choice too, and they canā€™t. Thats the reality. They have to burn both ends of the candle to barely survive.

I hate that.

And the driving, the driving has got out of hand.

You are a stupid fool.

They are not 1st world problems. That is what the norm should be.

Fairly obvious you were brought up in an ignorant household.

They are first world problems, they are Utopian ideals. They are also in conflict with a wide amount of personal experiences and views on this board. Maybe the issue you believe to be nationwide only exist on a widespread nature in Cork? Maybe youā€™re the issue?

What do you see in the kids with 2 working parents?

Alot of the above. Manners etc

Utopian that people could have manners and do their job and mot lose the plot beeping a horn when someone tries to pull into a space?

All you are doing, again, is exposing what type of a cunt you are.

No Iā€™m exposing what type of clown you are and the unrealistic expectations you have of life.

Hereā€™s Rocky Balboa to explain:

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Good Lord

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correct me if im wrong, but not so long ago you were traipsing round australia with a tool belt hanging off your arse while you were posting here that one of your major dreams in life was to learn how to point ridge tiles, properly.
you then moved back to ireland and in jig time you have set up your own business, you are one of the leading ā€˜movement guysā€™ or something in the country and lets be fair to you here here you have been involved at a serious enough level with a major sporting team.

you could fuck off out of here back to where you came from but i doubt you will and i could guess why.

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Ya but while ireland was changing in the years before i left it was nothing like it is now interms of what i talk about.

I came home to be around family and for the missus to see where i Came from. Not sure what the big deal about setting up the business is, it was a natural progression. And to be honest the only option in a country like ireland with little pro sport. I didnā€™t think i would, but for the right job i would go back to Oz, but probably only Melbourne. I think there is 8-10 years in ehat i do now and if i can maintain the business with others running it then great. I see myself in acedemia down the road.

The last line makes no sense?

And him bemoaning the education standards in this country moments ago.


Thats a great fucking video.

from where im watching i think you have a great life kev, granted your dog dying was shit, but in a short space of time you have created for yourself something decent. is your woman giving you jip? an unhappy woman is a difficult situation and can run amok with a mans mind, they can get inside your head because we are hardwired and they know we are to feel like we must be responsible for their happiness.

No woman is just a woman. Generally happy bar the weather. I work hard and iā€™m passionate about what i do.

My problem is i care. I also distrust people in power for a large part because i believe ordinary people cannot handle power. I am a community person, i think thats dying in alot of places. And thats not just down to people themselves (many would do alot if they could) its down to how mush strain is put on them by society and governments.

The other thing, and its significant lazarus and other exiles have agreed, when you are entrenched in a place, maybe bringing up a few young kids or whatever, you are obvilious to whats going on around you alot of the time. Someone coming in after being away who was familiar with the place is in a much better position to see change.

I think driving is a perfevt reflection on modern life. We all do it, its a huge part of many peoples days and it is very instructive to the state of mind of a society IMO.

Did i say in Ireland.

And what would you know about education in Irela d. You live in the UK.