Useless cagers and annoying habits

What major sports team ?

You don’t seem happy. It’s moan, moan, moan - about society, people in general, your work situation and barriers people and authority have.

You seems to be a person who expects life to gift them things and when you don’t get them you look externally for blame. Some local councillor stopping you from getting a premises, club officials not paying you, Brazilians pulling your signs down. Your “woe is me” narrative is depressing particularly when you’re such a rude, nasty person in general and never stop to consider that all your woes may in fact be a problem on your part or the way you act.

You are a Livia Soprano type character who seems intent to spread your unhappiness across everyone.

Lighten up, you grumpy git.

Is Dublin in the UK?

Did you take Geogtaphy in the Irish education system?

if so this is a damning indictment of it.


Kev said I live in the UK. I live in Dublin. I’m asking him if Dublin is in the UK as unless I’m mistaken it’s not.

Were you educated in Ireland?



Did you take English in the Irish education system?


I thought that would be quite obvious due to my mellifluous prose.

Are you unable to answer a question?

Care to explain “Geogtaphy” is?

And I already answered your question.


it is a typo.

if you look at the standard qwerty keyboard you will see, that the letters “r” and “t” are quite close together and oft when one is typing quite quickly the wrong letter can be hit.

Apologies I skipped over your reply many thanks.

And you claimed to be mellifluous…

yes, i did.

Were you educated in the 6 counties?

I vent here. Means its gone for the real world.

And i get to laugh at how many people i send into a tizzy.

Win win.

I was educated in Armagh.

That’s Ireland to me.


Vent about how you feel the world owes you a living and how manners have gone out of the window.

How do you square that off with publicly naming one of your peers and making claims that he is negligent and unqualified to carry out his employment. Is that mannerly?

Kev and Nembo finally have something in common. Its always
