Useless cagers and annoying habits

My cousin did a small bit of it when he was younger. When I was that age we didn’t even have our own tractor; my father would be forever borrowing his father’s 135 when he needed to do a job. The cousin was driving up and down the road at a ridiculously young age. It was an awkward one for the auld lad, given his job. Great driver though.

Smallholders like ourselves were predominantly square bales for years (still the father’s preference, easy to fire out) and a neighbour did them. The cousin would cut and turn (from about 11/12 onwards) and the neighbour would have the square bailer, and then a heap of us would bring em in. Great fun when you’d get to pull the load around the field.

It was when we switched to round bales of silage during a few bad summers that we first used contractors. You’d have young lads pulling in at 11 or 12 at night to bale or wrap. They’d be back at it after a few hours sleep. Kept going on whatever bit of food they got (regardless of time of night or day, any contractor who visited our house left with a full belly ). Even as a kid I used to think it was kind of crazy


Generally these young kids are good drivers, as is getting into fields with trailers, operating the various machinery and reversing etc.

It’s the common sense they lack. The common sense to be wary of what might be around the next corner, the doubt that makes you lift the foot off the accelerator so he/she has a chance to react to the worst possible.

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This sentence is an oxymoron. Of the highest order.
I once heard a lad tell of a young lady being caught on the inside of a left turning HGV in London. He said he was holding her hand, and the lorry wheel still on top of her. She was pleading “get it off me”. She was dead an hour later.
That’s an awful story

Yeah true, but I mean he didn’t die and will make a full recovery. It could have been so much worse

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I know. Generally speaking, a tractor on your belly has only one outcome. I wonder was he on the verge where it was a bit softer.

No humans involved

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I was down in the SuperValu car park just there. I was on the roundabout when this lad in one of those ignorant oversized cheap Japanese jeeps comes steaming through with his hand in the air. I blew him out of it. The following exchange occurred.

Me. Do you know how roundabouts work.
Him. I waved at you.
Me. Waving doesn’t mean shit.
Him. Only because you’re a cunt.

He stuck his middle finger in the air and drove off.


He’s mugged you off there

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I certainly don’t feel that I won the encounter despite being in the right.


The only victory to be gained from an interaction with him or his equals is to let them think they’ve won and put it behind ya


Exactly. Don’t even allow them reduce you to their level by engaging. Like the virus they’re everywhere, have to live with the cunts

You didn’t have enough time to throw him with a sarcastic response to the “I waved at you line”, you opened a door and he took it twice.

Couple of weeks back the missus wanted to take out her little nephew of 2 and a half. I’m always wary with him in the back when I’m driving given if anything were to happen. At the roundabout at the Fonthill business estate, some fucker cut it in front of me after going into the wrong lane, I lost it - blow the horn, waving hysterically at him and tailgating him. My point is that despite intentions to be ‘careful’ on the road, when someone tries to get one over on you, the mist comes down and that’s it,

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Only if you’re mental. You should calm down.



I know it’s of very little comfort now but I had a run in with an arrogant, errant bollix a few years ago resulting in both cars stopping and plenty of industrial language.
He was one of those cunts with sunglasses despite it being November. In any event I opened the boot and whipped out an axe, the cunt fucked off lively enough then.

Hard to know whether there was a winner there or not but I’d say his jocks were ruined.


An axe :joy:

Loads of trees in Leitrim

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There was no petrol in the chainsaw !!!.. All muldoons that I associate with would all have assorted agricultural implements in car or jeep boots. This is something you’ll pick up readily enough when you relocate.

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