Useless cagers and annoying habits


@Copper_pipe can you throw up the video of that truck over taking on the Tipperary Road.

Mental shit…

I am not aware of such video.


Did anyone post up the video here that was on the news last week of a 10 year old boy driving a truck on the motorway in the North :flushed::flushed::flushed:

As good a thread as any to post this

When did this annoying habit of talking with your hands become fashionable?
Every gimp is gesticulating while talking shite these days. An TaoĂ­seach is the principal offender.
Do many of you high-powered, big bidness types indulge in this flute-acting?


What a fucking cunt.

Women drivers.

Maybe it’s just me being a grumpy aul cunt but twice today in Dublin, I had the courtesy to allow a driver slip out in front of me and neither one of them acknowledged my kind gesture. Both women. Ungrateful fuckers.

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I opened the door of the shopping centre in Rathmines to an old dear one day. She turned her nose up at me as she waltzed by. This look of contempt resulted in me uttering a little too loudly, ‘You’re welcome ya auld bitch’. Mrs Hunt being wise to these outbursts quickly increased her distance from me as others looked around to see who the roaster roaring abuse at the old dear/cunt was.


You still wouldn’t believe it mike if you saw the amount of aul wans that give me grief for using the special needs facilities. Its actually quite disturbing.


Sure if you have the blue ticket up what can they say.

you should challenge them, ruin their day

No. With parking I dont have the blue ticket and I dont need it. I always park in a normal spot. It’s the bog I’m talking about. I understand that to look at me, youd never think I was wearing a bag but try emptying g the fuckin g thing in a public toilet when you need a bit more time and it’s a fucking nightmare. It’s when I come out of the disabled toilet that the grief comes.


Nah. If that’s the worst thing that happens me during the day, I’ll be alright. I just think its extremely rude and I’d normally be very relaxed as a driver. Its probably the only thing that pisses me off


Not nice alright. As they say back in Oola “offer it up”.

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