Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Surely Cork are Boris’ “own people”?

It doesn’t work that way.

Cork loves Great Britain

Great Britain despises Cork

the Commission is supposed to regularly report on the number of authorisations granted and refused but has yet to do so

I can’t understand people getting their knickers in a twist about a thousand here or there currently when we are going to be hitting a million a month so soon.

The landscape will change very rapidly and we all be having pints and going on our holidays soon.

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I think it’s moreso the lack of transparency

How will they get to millions if they can’t do thousands

They’re doing ok with what they are getting comparatively. There seems to be a lag between the vaccines entering the country and being administered though. They would be a lot better off admitting this and explaining the reasons than trying to fudge the figures which is what they are doing

They seem to be doing well with administering the Pfizer one.

Using the Belgium figures in a somewhat crude manner. They would seem to have 95% of the Pfizer stock administered up as far as Sunday.

The big question mark has to be WTF is going on with the AZ vaccine. This is the one that has a 10-12 week lag between first and second dose so is the one that should be thrown out as soon as it comes in without having to hold amounts for a second dose until a few weeks.

Using the Belgium figures, it looks like only 53% of this has been give out as of last Sunday. Moderna is at 36% using the same rationale but maybe a little more understandable given it’s a 4 week lag and has the smallest stock and order.

Trying to spin this and not providing real time data is going to frustrate and incite people.

What will they extend to - county wide ?

We seem to be doing well at administering them as they come in compared to Europe so I’m not too worried. Also, doing millions is a whole different operation to doing thousands.

It would be easier logistically to horse it into people at the Aviva en masse than getting a courier to a GPs in Abbeyfeale and Kiltimagh.

Never underestimate the sheer angst for Mick Joe and Hermann seeing John Bull power ahead in anything. Come August we’ll be drowning in millions of excess doses.

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When we have the vaccine in those quantities that will make sense, it’s much of a muchness as it stands

I’ve said it before we are coming into bank holiday season
That will play havoc with roll out

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Easter week won’t be great, you’d imagine, for vaccine roll out.

It’ll be a kick in the plums for frontline workers.

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Surely there will be a mid-term around the end of May which will lead to a lot of annual leave across the public service.

