Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Is it still a target if you keep reducing it to meet what you are actually doing?


I’m waiting for the HSE report to be uploaded :slight_smile:

It seems like they basically got to their reduced target by Saturday and didn’t bother with Sunday then?

Fellas would only want the target increased then


Under promise and under deliver

The Civil Service way.

The Chinese and Russians are going to support the developing countries and hoover up support. Soft power.

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The Joao Havelange and Sepp Blatter way

Yup. The EU and the US will present it as “Russia and China exercising soft power”, any normal person will simply see it as not being despicable cunts by blocking access to vaccines.

Almost 1.7 million vaccines would be delivered to Ireland in the first quarter of the year, the high-level taskforce on Covid-19 vaccination forecast in early January.

By the end of February, 520,000 doses had been supplied, and total deliveries at the end of March are not expected to exceed 850,000 doses.

So is it 850k or 1.1m doses?

That seems to be some discrepancy in figures.

I think they are expecting a big chunk right at the end of the month

FAO @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy!!!

Italy going to produce the Sputnik vaccine from July.

Whatever it is they need to make their mind up on whether we are getting it in March or not.

They are making a right bollocks of it and trying to spin and massage every facet of it to make up for their incompetence.

Great stuff.

My first holiday post Covid will be a few bottles of Moretti with my Red Brigade chums in Livorno.


You would expect Paul Greed to be on top of this with all the money he is getting.


I’d do a better job myself for half the price.

He is a pretty uninspiring CEO for the welly he is getting.

Paul Reid is getting an easy ride in the media as he’s a salt of the earth Dub made good. If he was a southside spoofer or a Biffo he’d be ridiculed.

They took our food during the famine, did that stupid Cork prick really think they were going to give us vaccines?!!