Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


Slovakia have a hape of them.

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Did AZ not deliver last week? Nothing on the Belgium dashboard yet of any delivery.

Also, is this new dashboard or whatever it is being launched today which means that the figures for Saturday and Sunday will be provided?

My provisional figures would say that the EU has really ramped things up this week but Ireland unlikely to have made any inroads.

Might not be updated yet maybe?

Apparently so…

Austria have administered more vaccines per population than Ireland at present.

Irrational anti-vax nonsense. I got AZ, glad to do my part to contribute towards the relaxation of restrictions.

Why did you get it?

Vaccine skipping?

He identifies as a 79 year old aul woman


This is quite interesting.

Virtue signaler @glasagusban felt it justified to take a vaccine ahead of thousands of the most at risk and vulnerable categories so he can go off on his holidays this year.


AZ delivery arrived in Belgium yesterday (Sunday).

It’s very likely by close of business yesterday Ireland would have had 300k vaccines ready to be administered this week and that’s not taking account of the scheduled deliveries this week.

They’ve achieved this by extending the gap between administering second doses of Pfizer and moderna from two to six weeks, apparently. Interesting.


You’d imagine about 10-15k would be the height of vaccines administered over the weekend so potentially 340k vaccines sitting in a fridge at the start of the week.

I wonder what metric Egghead and Reid will manipulate this week to make it sound like they are doing a good job?

More vaccines administered than the Irish and you said they made a hames of it.

I think we see a lot of your self-entitled and narcissistic traits coming through here now. On what basis did you get a vaccine?

I suspect he shared more a little more than he intended to.

I’ve just outlined how they did it, and I said that it’s interesting. Do you think we should do the same? They’ve taken a different approach to use of the vaccines than other countries and than recommended by the manufacturers. You could view it as innovative or desperate. Hopefully it works out positively for them.

I am happy to confirm I did not skip any queues or vaccines as you have suggested.



Not really.

They have administered more vaccines per population than Ireland. How is that desperate?

And you’re refusing to say on what basis you got the vaccine. Looks like you cynically grabbed a vaccine when thousands of over 70s and people with underlying health conditions still can not get hold of one. It really displays a huge degree of narcistic tendencies and greed on your part. You being able to travel this summer is more important than protecting a vulnerable person.

did @glasagusban get vaccinated?

He said he has.