Vaccine Numbers Log Thread


I’m just highlighting another case of @glasagusban and his overt selfishness.

Did you not find it wrong?

Innovative then? They’ve changed how they’re administering the programme. I’ve explained how. Do you think it’s a good idea? Maybe we should take the same approach, I wouldn’t really be qualified to comment myself.

You felt qualified enough to make a hames of it a week or so back.

Then again a lot of things change in @glasagusban week. You were calling for people to be sacked for getting access to a vaccine ahead of people who were more vulnerable. Then you reveal you were one of those people who prematurely accessed the vaccine and you find it funny.

Real narcissist bevahiour.

Other posters have posted that they’ve received the vaccine. Why aren’t you so triggered by them at all?


I’m just pointing out your narcissistic behaviour and brazen hypocrisy.

On what basis were you vaccinated?

That’s really none of your business, is it?

The type of response a narcissist and hypocrite would give when they get outed.

I’d encourage posters to log in and post that they’ve had their jab at various intervals over the next few weeks. Poor Fulvio will go stone cracked altogether.

its fairly easy to put it together…

The sheer hypocrisy of it.

Maybe he should resign his post.

From the biggest hypocrite across multiple issues and narcissist on the forum? :smiley:

Tell us again how you want restrictions to be over but won’t take a vaccine, or about how wonderful a debater you are, or about your hairless legs :rofl:

The virus does not threaten my demographic.

You’re attempting to deflect away from your brazen hypocrisy here. You got on your soapbox last week to chastise people who did not need the vaccine over more compromised and at risk people. You called for sackings. And you were actually one of those people.

You’re a narcissist.

Sure mate. As I suspected, you seem awfully triggered. Try not to blow a gasket.

Are you embarrassed?


Lovely stuff. No one wants that with the 14 week wait to be considered fully vaccinated.
More J&J for the rest of us.

There goes summer 2021.

J&J is reserved for travellers and drug addicts

That one also kills you.