Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Sure mate. As I suspected, you seem awfully triggered. Try not to blow a gasket.

Are you embarrassed?


Lovely stuff. No one wants that with the 14 week wait to be considered fully vaccinated.
More J&J for the rest of us.

There goes summer 2021.

J&J is reserved for travellers and drug addicts

That one also kills you.

When AZ was first being rolled out wasn’t the advice for it to be given to under 65s only?

Now, the advice is pretty much the direct opposite?

Forgive me if I take this latest one with a pinch of salt.


Oh and the Pfizer one is less effective against the SA variant.

There’s actually basis there this time around. Plenty of factual data that suggests the vaccine was the form of serious blood clotting that led to deaths.

A 27 year old Georgian nurse also died after the AZ vaccine due to anaphylactic shock. She had taken flu jabs before without any reactions.

There’s a chance Fergal Bowers has jumped the gun a bit…

This is a real body blow. We can right off the summer now. Another summer of bullshit.

Only people who are 61 to 62 can get the AZ vaccine

Relax yourself ffs. We have to vaccinate a pile of people over 60 anyway

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Pfizer along with J&J will get us out of this. Two pharmaceutical power houses you can depend on.

AZ were forecasted to deliver 813k of the Q2 total. Which is about a fifth of the total deliveries. Enough to vaccinate 406.5k people.

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Sure the J&J vaccine will be pulled or limited in a month’s time. Plenty of reports in the US already of blood clotting shortly after getting the vaccine.

We’re absolutely fucking finished for the summer.

We’ll blow up our dams, destroy forests, anything! If there’s a species of animal that’s causing problems nosing around your camera, we’ll have it wiped out!