Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

“We’re inviting people aged 59 to register from Tuesday 4 May.”

You’d want to be a simpleton not to understand that really.


“We’re inviting people aged 59 to register from Tuesday 4 May.”

So someone 59 on Wednesday can register on Wednesday

They are also asking people to register on specific days.

You are proving my point here. Contradictory and confusing messaging.

Where does it tell them to register in Wednesday.

It doesn’t.

Why are you telling fibs?

No not on, from specific days

It’s seems to only be confusing for you.

Luckily for you you have TFK to explain it to you.



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You’ve explained it by making interpretations from the contradictions on it.

I’ve quoted the text to you directly, in quotation marks.

And you ignored the bit where it said they want people to register on specific days

What day does someone who was born on the 5th May 1962 register on?

Not on, from specific dates

They clearly specify they want people to register on a specific day. What day does a person born on the 5the May 1962 register on?


They can register from Wednesday

You’re also ignoring the part of the same text that contradicts that?

You’re really struggling to get this.

They clearly state that the want people to register on a specific day.

What date does a person born on the 5th May 1962 register on?

That’s not a specific date. That’s a range of dates.

They clearly state they want people to register on a specific day.

Should register from Wednesday I think. Technically nothing stopping you from registering before Wednesday as far as I know. You just won’t be called until it’s your turn in the queue to be vaccinated.

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Close. From what I’ve heard of the ages called, they are getting to the low 60s from tomorrow. Possibly aggressive but I can’t see it being much longer than this day next week. 50s are registering from this week and will start getting appointments for the week after, as has happened with each age so far.

There’s over 400k over 60s. It was only about 70k of them last week who got first doses.