Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

In fairness What do we expect a lad whose last job was head of a small county council and who is paid twice what the head of the NHS is paid know about vaccine rollout ?

Paid double what the Taoiseach gets.

And more than the President of the United States of America.

Staggering. I’d love to know the key performance indicators on his contract.


One of the requirements for the EU is that the vaccines are produced in the EU and/or (not sure is it both or either) they inspect the plants where the vaccines are produced.

Has Sputnik applied for approval in the EU yet? I think a few EU countries are exploring producing it.

I’m at a loss as to what the limiting factor is.

Is it plant capacity?

Is it labour?

Is it price?

Is it raw material?

Surely there’s enough pharma firepower in the world to get this fucking thing made and shipped.


@Julio_Geordio maintains the Sputnik thing is damp herring as they don’t have the capacity to supply any vaccines in the short term.


They don’t want us asking questions that might identify the root cause.

In the medium term (inside two months) we’re going to be flooded with vaccines. There’s little that can be done in the short term.

The vaccines has to grow or something and it takes a while to get this right at each plant to generate maximum yields. So in a new plant, for the same work, time and cost, you may get a far lower yield of vaccine that expected.

AZ started that process in the UK plant last summer so they were generating maximum yields from the get go. The European plants came online much later and are playing catch up.

I read this on twitter.

There’s a lead in time to produce the stuff even of every suitable plant pivoted to producing tomorrow it would speed things up in the short term, and in the medium term we are well sorted.

The big scandal here is supply to poorer countries. The developing world wants a waiver of intellectual property rights for vaccines so that they can produce them, the EU and ireland is currently against this. It’s a disgusting and unjustifiable position in my view.


Vlad is only acting the bollox offering it around to wind people up

Disgusting if true for sure.

The AZ vaccine relies on supply of Chimpanzee shit. The chimps need to be taken to the curry mile in Manchester to increase supply.

The research to develop the vaccines has been funded by countries, they have guaranteed orders already so they’ve already made fuck loads of profit.

It will be sick if the intellectual property isn’t shared to allow poorer countries to produce it.

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Sunday was a half day it seems…

Think the EU are paying 7 or 8 quid a vaccine. Some on here want to take the power back from the EU. Here is how this would likely play out…

A committee would be set up to decide on a course of action. To mitigate the risk of accountability a decision will be made to outsource the vaccine procurement process. To give Brien O’Dennis enough time to set up the necessary companies a tendering process for the already decided unsuccessful parties will begin.

Havng announced Brien O’Dennis owned company as the successful candidate the company will agree to purchase the vaccines from the EU at a cost of €24 per vaccine, three times what we are currently paying but this will be because of logistical challenges like Brexit, increased costs etc.

Once the successful 2025 roll out is complete, concerns are raised about the procurement process and who benefited from the contract with rumours of some political jiggery pokery. Govt anounce they will commission an independent report to be undertaken by EY. EY report will raise concerns about the tendering process and highlight areas where the process could be improved but main finding is process failure rather than any individual accountability.


2,699 doses on a Sunday.
Flat to the mat.


Some of that 2699 could be from Friday or Saturday.

The HSE report isn’t uploaded yet. The figure for Sunday will likely be a little lower than 2699…

So what was the target for the week v what was delivered?

What’s the weekly total. 80k ish. Did we meet the target?

A few lads going around door to door would manage that