Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s possible to both criticise or praise the HSE and AZ at the same time…

Nolan’s voice would go through you, he’s unbearable to listen to with the dull, monotone, raspy drawl.

He’s a stats man but has placed himself front and centre of the decision making body of this country.

I’m all for criticising the government and HSE. But since we have the same supply as the rest of the EU it’s easy to compare how we are doing. Our performance is not perfect, but it is evidently and objectively good.

Hungary have sourced additional vaccines.

You know this but continue to be disingenuous in your replies.


There’s absolutely nothing erroneous about my post. He said that there were some learnings to be had, as I quoted, but went on to herald that 99% of the target cohort had been vaccinated in the last 3 weeks and tilted the conversation back to Astra Zeneca. That’s complete spoofery; it would be akin to Liverpool saying they aimed to have around 45 points in the league at this stage of the season so they’ve all but met their targets.

I would throw the confirmation bias tag back at you. You’re on record as saying you’re indifferent to a slow/incompetent vaccination programme roll out as we’ll be swimming in vaccines in mid summer. You don’t seem to be bothered by the pretty farcical stuff that’s gone on to date, as listed by @Gman.

I think it’s absurd that 10/11 weeks into this, 30k healthcare workers were being vaccinated this week. How many more still to go? All this while there’s the confirmed stories about queue jumping nepotism, admin/office staff that have been wfh for a year and who could continue doing so indefinitely all having been vaccinated. Combine that with supplies not turning up at GP surgeries on designated days at all or GPs getting calls on the morning of delivery saying you’re only getting a partial delivery. The numbers vaccinated are nothing to write home about, but they’re not even working through the levels properly.

It’s been poor but it’s useful for the government to gloss over this, like Donnelly did this morning. It’s fine that you’re predisposed to accept his bona fides but it was another bluffing and evasive media performance by Donnelly. Maybe you’re not that familiar with political interviews? You didn’t seem to know who Mary Wilson and Áine Lawlor were lately, even though they’ve been presenting flagship RTE shows for decades.


Christ would you give it a rest.


I also heard a story today from a work colleague whose daughter works in an optometrists in a cashier/assistant type role who got a vaccine this week, she’s 19 as far as I know. The rollout seems bizarre

In fairness now, producing vaccines isn’t the same as making a few breakfast rolls.

I would have thought we would be moving heaven and earth to get every unit available distributed. Supply constraints beyond that are out of our control.

But there are old people in their eighties living on my sister’s street who haven’t been vaccinated yet.

I have a big issue with this guy too. He did the media rounds a few Sundays ago telling us what kind of summer we would be allowed. Now he did all the morning radio shows again today, telling us that there are some worrying signs that adherence to restrictions is slipping and we need to give it another 10 weeks or risk putting everything we’ve done for the last 52 weeks at risk. He’s the financial modelling guy, as you say. It’s not his remit to preach to the nation and make policy pronouncements. At what stage did his role change from running excel models to feed into internal NPHET discussions and/or meetings with the government, to outlining what the government will be doing and how we should be behaving?


The overall strategy is out of their control but Ireland Inc were too slow to come up with a strategy.

The HSE have made a number of significant balls ups along the way here, which you have tried to brush under the carpet. You mention EU countries but ignored the fact that we were far from the middle of the pack in even started jabbing. That reflected terribly in a situation that was supposed to be an emergency.

The IT procurement was too late, which led to us again delaying shots in the arms of AZ when they delivered early. On the overall European point, there is a big factor of people refusing AZ in some European countries, something that thankfully hasn’t happened here.

We still wait 3 days to find out how many jabs went into arms, the systems aren’t there despite us having months to prepare in an emergency. They will not update on when supplies are received, for no logical reason. The PR has been poor. The lack of urgency and delays is worrying going for forward.

The countries who have nailed this so far have smashed the supply, logistics and urgency required. I agree that we have no control over supply but we have been so so on the logistics front and disastrous on the PR/urgency front.

I do think the mass vaccination centres will go well. They should be easier for them to administer and they do react to scrutiny and criticism which is a positive.

You cited hitting 99% of a target. Surely that’s a good performance by any measure? You keep talking in absolute terms when you know that vaccination is limited by supply. The minister said there were issues but that overall it was going well. That’s a fair assessment. Compared to comparator countries we are, evidently and objectively, proceeding well.

But for some reason you are being entirely unreasonable and want more more more now now now.

Sure you can hit every target if you keep reducing the target to match your progress.


Are we mobilising the optometrists assistants?

I would seriously question the accuracy of that stat given what I have seen and heard anecdotally.

It was the same with testing etc, they leave enough of a gap to explain away the countless stories that circulate.

@glasagusban is the biggest me feiner on the board and he’s very hollow and insincere in how he pretends to be compassionate to others.

The forum’s Simon Harris.

cc @glasagusban.

Why are you complaining that we were late in starting jabbing? Surely it’s even more impressive that we are a leader in Europe now?

Who gives a fuck about the he update coming only every three days? Is that really the priority at this point?

The only important indicator is: are we vaccinating people quickly with the supply that is coming in. That’s the biggest and most important part of this, and the answer so far is that we are performing well.

What more do people want?