Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Says the guy who won’t take the vaccine because there is nothing in it for him.


Great. Anecdotes beat stats now.



I believe vaccinating u40s has little upside so I am naturally questioning why non frontline workers are getting vaccines ahead of at risk categories.

Didn’t he explain that that’s a result of limited supply?

In all fairness, the plan had to shift substantially too due to Holohan’s solo run on AZ for over 65s.

Did he actually provide stats or just give a blanket 99%?

Pretty sure it was the latter.

If you had let’s say a crisis issue in the private sector and a client screaming for blood you could find yourself giving hourly or daily updates. Three days wouldn’t wash. And we’re talking about people’s lives here, not collecting a few quid or booting up a system.


Yet they can’t publish real time information about their stock levels.

Is it stupidity or naivety with you?

It’s an unprecedented crisis and the IT systems in place aren’t designed for it. I would suggest its lower down the order of priorities than vaccinating people in line with our priority list as fast as possible with the vaccines we have on supply. We are doing well on this. Anything else is less important.

I consider 99% a stat.

We’ve known about this virus since Jan 20 at the latest. Bit late for them to discover their IT systems aren’t up to scratch.

You’re a pathetic shill.

Go and cry about foreign travel not being allowed some more.

Anything you have to say on this is completely irrelevant because you are a anti-vax loony screaming about vaccines.

But no information regarding number of over 85s in the country and number of those vaccinated giving the 99%.

My only information is anecdotally but given the lack of detail provided I would be skeptical.

Because as explained to you at the time, people were being thrown out of jobs (again) that week and we were told it was to save lives. The impact of the vaccine (one jab) was significant just from trials. As @Juhniallio said at the time, it likely cost lives in nursing homes. We sat on about 40k jabs. That shows a disconnect from the urgency and restrictions put on people’s lives and what the authorities actually do.

It’s irrelevant where we are now. During “transition week” we started to fall behind Europe again. If you wanted to run a metric then, we’d have slid down the table. Would you have “cared” then? Again, this is a legitimate criticism of the HSE, it shows a lack of urgency and preparedness that could cost lives and more worryingly, could impact on the larger roll out.

The stats they release are controlled by them, that’s the point. For example, in the week where the target was “missed because AZ didn’t deliver on time”, the real reason the target was missed because we failed to deliver vaccines in time on the Monday and Tuesday. There were 67k administered vs 87k in stock on the weekend they raised the alarm.

The lack of real time data reporting, or at least having it a day in arrears, is staggeringly poor and leads to misinformation. It’s amateur stuff but also convenient, as @TreatyStones himself pointed out.

Again I am hopeful they nail the mass vaccination centres. I don’t agree with people saying they have made a total fuck up of this, but there are many legitimate criticisms to put to them.


I would say he is quite competent. His people skills are just terrible. If as bad as we ever had is 5th best in the EU for his main responsibility at the moment I’ll take that

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I would hazard having a proper IT system in place would speed up the roll out and ensure that the appropriate people are getting the vaccine. The reporting aspect is just a byproduct of having the system in place, not the reason for it.


I’m not an anti-vax loon.

That’s you being disingenuous again and misrepresenting my views.

It’s telling how you resort to spreading falsehoods and pedaling misinformation when you can’t substantiate your viewpoints.

The gov seem happy enough in recent days to blame AZ and try and turn the focus of frustration that way. It is clear that AZ have underdelivered so they’re an easy target. However, the gov seem far more reticent about commenting on the absolute mess that the EU seem to have made on this in general - from their conservative penny pinching approach through to contract not fit for purpose through to them being painted as vaccine nationalists while at the same time exporting large amounts. That to me seems to be the real issue here.

The booking system for dentists online lost all the details and dentists were left waiting for their jabs.

The IT system is clearly very important and the worrying thing is what happens at the mass vaccination stage. That is down to the HSE failing to procure earlier.

Again a legitimate criticism of the HSE that Glas does not want to hear.

It’s some going if you reduce the target to match your progress and then only get to 99% :joy: