Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They are performing well in that metric % of doses received vs administered but they have an issue in what they communicate. Using this to say they are on target is incorrect, they are missing targets but using what they have should be the message.

Basic communication is an issue even for for the top brass as Reid said above 600k have got the vaccine is incorrect. What should be the message is 600k doses administered with at least 400k people receiving at least 1 dose.

The usual people who jump on these incorrect statements (myself include) need to play the man here, it shows the gross incompetence of the hse/DoH/nphet/goverment that they can’t clearly define the difference.

Saying all that 95% of what we have got is in people is a job well done

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95% of what they had last week administered. Not 95% of what they have now. They love a little distortion of figures to make themselves look better.

Assuming they got 100k this week it’s probably more like 85%

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You can’t expect them to have live figures. This is the hse we are lucky to have data at all

They use today’s vaccines administered and last weeks total of vaccines. They know the numbers just fine when it suits them

I will need to edit my post above praising the 95% and add to the gross incompetence factor.

TBF to them they might only have gotten some of them yesterday I wouldn’t expect them all to be given out, but it’s the deliberately misleading information I was pointing out

Its all optics. Facts aren’t needed these days. Sure who will challenge them

Yeah, the way they’re working at the moment, any dose received into the country should be used within 7 days.

And what % is going to high risk and what % to low risk people should be communicated.

95% administered means fuck if HSE back office staff remotely are getting 30% of those jabs.


Prof O’Neill said it was a “cock-up” from Astrazeneca that led to one of their two European plants in the Netherlands not receiving authorisation to produce the vaccine for Europe. He said “the word is” that the shelves are lined with vaccines in this plant and once Astrazeneca provides all the requisite documentation to the EU, it should “clear the logjam”.


A friends wife has a serious illness, she also works in admin in the hse.

She got a call vaccinated based on the HSE employment not for the illness

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Prof O’Neill said it was a “cock-up” from Astrazeneca that led to one of their two European plants in the Netherlands not receiving authorisation to produce the vaccine for Europe. He said “the word is” that the shelves are lined with vaccines in this plant and once Astrazeneca provides all the requisite documentation to the EU, it should “clear the logjam”.

Is that true? Is Fritz delaying a second manufacturing site from starting because of paperwork?

Well the manufacturing site seems to have started. From that all you can gather is that the vaccines are there, they have been produced but won’t be released until AZ provide the relevant documentation on the manufacturing site.

It’s a good thing there’s no rush


This AZ crowd seem like a two bit operation altogether.

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Someone will get their hole opened in every audit in AZ for the next 5 years

Whatever about EU bureaucracy, AZ literally don’t seem to have a notion what they are at here. They were later submitting their paperwork to the EU, still haven’t put forward information on one of the plants they are manufacturing in the EU, still haven’t sought approval in the US yet. They also seem to have made a bit of a mess of their trials too.