Vaccine Numbers Log Thread



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And the likes of @tallback and @glasagusban trying to coerce people into taking the vaccines.

Call me very, very cynical but is the timing of this not very convenient given that the Tanaiste was last night reported to be under criminal investigation.

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By god that’s it!

Itll be back in use next week. I’m sure the investigation will find the blood clots were unrelated

But but sinn fein but IRA bombings

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Fucking hell Leo is in the shit here.

Have other countries suspended AstraZeneca or is it just us for the time being?

This is very bad news to wake up to. The entire year gone in an instant. Just not good enough. Micheal Martin must, must now try to source vaccines from the US.

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The UK will be completely open and we’ll still be on 15% vaccinated, improving about 0.5% a week. Oh FFS.

Edit: not allowed domestic tourism.


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Dammit. Maybe the government will just have to accept defeat and start handing out ivermectin

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Austria, Denmark, Iceland and Norway to name a few.

You can forget about your vaccines now.

Are we back to Zero Covid now, we are?

This is a bit of a blow to my weekend in dingle during the may bank holiday.

Not very reassuring news for those who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine already.

Which one did you get?