Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Will it be stopped all over the world?

I’d say mcconkey got some horn when he heard the news. This will rumble on till September now.


AstraZeneca were giving us fuck all anyway?

What will happen to the people who’ve already gotten their first AZ jab? Will they even be allowed get their second? Are we back down to 1% now?

This will give the conspiracy theorists a huge boast too. This could get messy.

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17M vax’s using AZ have been administered worldwide and Ireland stopping because of 4 cases in Norway :rofl:


How so? In 17 million distributions, they are investigating approximately 30 cases of potential blood clotting. We love our percentages on Covid stats, so not to disappoint, that is 0.00017% chance, or one in every 566,000. And yet, the percentage stats on Covid death is far higher than this.

It should also be noted that the chances of dying from a blood clot just randomly is about double the rate above based on American stats where up to 100,000 die each year from blood clotting issues. And that’s a death stat, not a case stat.

Edit: there are roughly 900,000 cases of blood clot issues in America every year, that’s 0.27% or 1 in every 364 people. So there is less percentage stats in getting it from just normal circumstances than if you take the vaccine.

And again, nothing is yet proven about these incidents and whether they have anything at all to do with any blood clotting. They absolutely should check it all and if they need to pause to sort out, then so be it, but it’s once again feeding into the negative hysteria about it all.


Death in Austria and more cases there.

Think a few cases and possibly deaths in Denmark also.

Surely they died with blood clots not because of it

Huge win for the anti-vax crew.

Lads we’ll be pricking around with restrictions for years here. I’m dejected.


About 110k doses used so far I think

Stupidity is also a virus.

So NPHET are listening to NIAC when they say AZ is unsafe but overruling them when they were OK giving it to over 65s.


That’s the way it’s gone now

Tony’s vindicated hes saved many lives. All hail Tony the terrible

Killeen has fixed two of the last four pandemics. We need to find whoever fixed the other two.

Its a cod he never won the nobel prize for medicine for either of them. The nobel prize is a cod

Monday 7884
Tuesday 15900
Wednesday 16329
Thursday 19009

Total 59122

Up until Thursday evening. 117k of the 589k vaccinations have been using the AZ vaccine.

Add on an estimated 15k for Friday, 7k for Saturday and 3k for Sunday and we probably hit around 85k for the week

The UK have used 11 million doses of the AZ vaccine and no issues…

The EMA will make a decision by the end of the week.