Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’d say there is a dail sub committee itching to stick their oar in as well

Its not usually done by the EMA, typically treatments would get approved in an individual market depending on need and customer base. Only big scale releases go through the central system. The HPRA do have vast experience in this. The HPRA conduct audits worldwide on behalf of the EMA, as do every other countries regulatory bodies. This is the function of the HPRA, to review and approve medical products for the use in ireland

Mate your clearly clueless on this. I have provided evidence on the licencing process that you ignore as we can’t possibly do it ourselves. On supply you think we should ignore that avenues of purchasing ourselves completely and wait on the EU?

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Exactly. The EU have not pulled the AZ vaccine but we have.

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Basically the only people who can apply for it are people already working in the HSE who have a job already.

The fucking bureaucracy of the HSE would melt your brain


It’s a stalling tactic. Martin knows he’s under pressure to ask Joe Biden for their idle supply - this is his excuse for not doing so.

The AZ will be back in bidness again by the end of the week by the looks of it.

A nice transition week for the lads in the meantime.

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I think it says a huge amount that the only country gone down the crackpot route you are suggesting is the crackpot country, Hungary.

What avenues of purchasing are open to us? China possibly. You think we could safely examine and approve the Chinese vaccine in three months. I don’t. And in three months we will be flooded with vaccines anyway.

The only thing that can make a difference to our position is increasing supply rapidly in the short term, as in within a month or two. Soon after that we will have more vaccines on hand than people in the country. And there isn’t a way to increase supply short term unless a country that has bought some and has it on hand can decide to give them to us rather than their own residents, and why would they do that?

The figures next week should make up for this week you’d think if it is sorted this week.

They’ll be well rested and raring to go

Theres no point in arguing the regulatory approvals system with you as you haven’t an iota or the self awareness to listen when it’s explained. This is normal process for approval of medical products in the EU. Its rare that a company will seek EMA approval first. Think of it like planning permission, going for outline first then full planning.

Bank Holiday on Wednesday and all. Perfect really.


The only department that seems to work correctly in the state is the revenue.

They processed god knows how many PUP applications in days…


Ok. Tell me what vaccines are out there that there are vast stocks for us to buy if we decide to start an exercise now to approve them?

Giving a vaccine is not hard. They could train anyone to do it in a few days. We aren’t short of people idle either.

Agreed, they’ll be all guns blazing from 9 - 5, Wednesday & Thursday next week.


Cheltenham this week sure, a disaster of a week to be getting things done


What a way to make a living

a half day even…

Training starts

Stick that in there.

training ends

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I’d say your a demon with the ladies