Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The US are absolutely flying it. They have met 5% of my magic number algorithm in the past week and an 11% increase on numbers vaccinated in the prior week.

Still awaiting figures from the other areas before I will update my table.

I’ve explained this several times on approvals of medical products. See national process. This is applicable to all 27 member states. We all work off the same standards. 2nd of all the narrative of there is none to buy is bollocks. Outside of what is already in contracts there will be supply if you are willing to pay for it.

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Big Luke O’Neill days the suspension of the AZ vaccine is very disturbing and will put thousands of vulnerable Irish people at risk. He says NPHET/NIAC/HSE are not trusting the science and that blood clots are common in very small cases for multiple types of medication. He said the numbers involved here are beyond minuscule and it’s a terrible decision to suspend it.

The vaccine rollout has been a complete and utter shambles in Ireland under any objective measure so far.


Luke should get Irish person of the year. Only expert talking sense

This NIAC crowd seem to be an awful bunch of self important cunts. Over ruling expert advice left right and centre

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Do you honestly think it would responsible for Ireland to license a product with absolutely no scrutiny of it purely on the basis that hungary has licensed it?

You’re also wrong on vaccines for sale. All production has been pre-ordered and paid for, for at least the next six months of production. There isn’t any more out there waiting for us to buy it. That is an utterly bizarre belief. You are choosing to believe things that aren’t true. That is headbanger stuff altogether.

The biggest solo run was Holohan going against NIAC and recommending AZ not be used for over 65s.

Have we reversed that decision yet? Other countries that took the same approach have reversed it I’ve seen.

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TFK called this. Every decision made is not taken in interests of public but to absolutely minimise the risk to the decision maker.


Monday 7888
Tuesday 15900
Wednesday 16357
Thursday 19009
Friday 17312

Total 76466

The EMA are reviewing the data on Thursday I think.

Thailand stopped using it on the 12th.

They’re back using it tomorrow.

RTE good guy Barry Linehan currently outlining the upcoming clusterfuck of the HSE being unable to recruit vaccinators.

Doctors due to be paid 120 euro per hour
Pharmacists due to be paid 70 euro per hour
Nurses due to be paid 25 euro max per hour

People can’t volunteer to do it.

Come here you clearly are clueless on this. All EU states work on the same regulatory standards. The HPRA have to do this work themselves and evaluate it.

And if you think there isn’t stick out there to be bought or an incentive to increase production (covering manufacturing costs to ramp up) then your deluded. You clearly have no concept on manufacturing or regulatory approvals


15 page form on HSE website… for those that are qualified…

Can only imagine what the process is for those not qualified…

Paying by the hour seems fucking insane, surely paying by volume administered makes more sense???


Part of the problem is we have too many decision makers. Do we really need all of HSE/NPHET/NIAC/HPRA to be in on the process?


Ok. So you’re saying our agency should evaluate other vaccines for use in Ireland? How long do you think that would take? Given that’s usually done by the EMA do you think they have the expertise on hand to do the work?

I honestly think this is bizarre. The development of the vaccines was accelerated massively by, mainly, the EU and the US investing huge money up front to speed up work, enable expanded production and consequently preordering pretty much all the supply. You think the EU and the US aren’t pushing everything they can to speed up production? It’s laughable. What you’re saying is simply idiotic. It’s completely unsupported by any evidence at all.

Pay by the head and incentivise the most efficient vaccinators.

One of the disadvantages of our small scale that will come home to roost in coming years will be our inability to develop and produce our own vaccines. I would expect vaccine nationalism to become an even greater feature of future pandemics and countries that can’t produce their own will become very vulnerable. Given the clusterfuck the EU has made of vaccine procurement this time around I can’t see the Germans leaving it to chance next time around and I would assume they’ll pump billions into ensuring they are better prepared next time around.

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Would they all be doing the same job? What possible justification can there be for the differentiation if they’re all doing the same task? Are doctors doing the more elderly/vulnerable that might need more care or attention afterwards?

I think the opposite. If you were Germany looking at this thing you’d see that focusing on developing your own vaccine would be a huge risk. You would get one eventually, but perhaps give other companies would develop one 6 months earlier. The importance of a spread of manufacturers is underlined.

The EU would have learned a lot of lessons. Including that they need to be in a position to provide vaccines to neighbours and allies and not have them turning to Russia and China. More money invested up front and more vaccines bought up front next time.

It’s going to be interesting to see how things develop at the WTO in the next year or so. Developing countries want IP right waived so they can produce vaccines and get them faster. Quite rightly too. The EU and US (and Ireland) of course want to protect their big pharma companies. There’s a clear moral right and wrong here and we’re on the wrong side of it.