Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

There was also a more infectious mutation after Wuhan that is what caused Europe’s to explode and is party why Asia and Australia were not hit hard first time out. Though this is all still guessing, as they aren’t even sure of that with scientists still arguing a year later. Boris and Co got their idea for using the variant here and we have wild claims over “new” variants almost daily.

Was talking to the brother in London earlier. Walked into his local health centre on spec last Friday and got vaccinated.

Is he connected to the Junta?

Spain are pausing AZ for at least 15 days.

You can send him up, yes

We need to trust the science.

We need to double down and tell AZ we’ll take whatever anyone else refuses

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And we are worried about 4 deaths in Norway out of 17 million vaccines given.

They weren’t deaths AFAIK

Ah here, sure covid is a merciless killer and the vaccine is our way out. Horse it into me boss

There were deaths of young healthy healthcare workers in Oslo according to the chap on Claire Byrne

A slap in the face of frontline workers. Its all a cod

Could they not give lads some warfarin with the vaccine

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Three health workers in Norway who had recently received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine were being treated in hospital for bleeding, blood clots and a low count of blood platelets, its health authorities said on Saturday.

A health sector worker who was hospitalised after receiving the vaccine in Norway later died, the Norwegian Medicines Agency and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) confirmed on Monday.

Governments and the EMA are trying very hard to play this down but this is very serious.

Last week we has a case in Austria which resulted in a death. The EMA were quick to come out and tell us nothing was up. A week later the vaccine has been paused all across Europe as more incidents and cases are being noted. The EMA are still telling us everything is alright. Their actions paint a different picture than their words.

The European Commission has agreed an accelerated delivery of the BioNTech-Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, with 10 million doses for the second quarter of the year.

The doses would be drawn forward from the option of 100 million doses in the second BioNTech-Pfizer contract, foreseen for Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 of 2021.

Today’s proposal by the Commission needs to be approved by the member states in the Joint Steering Board.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said she was aware how critical Quarter 2 is for the roll-out of the vaccination strategies in the member states.

That’s an extra 100k doses for us. Better than nothing I suppose

What’s the latest on Johnson and Johnson?