Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Approved but it’ll be April before they have doses in the country.

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Should help with their June projections of 80% vaccinated.

Clearly Pfizer are the only ones who have nailed their manufacturing and production commitments.

Is it also not around an extra 100k doses rather than extra 225k?

Sorry yes it is

So this was the plan a few weeks back before all the fuck ups with AZ.

J&J also seem to be outlining some snags with their commitments too so I’d say it’s unlikely to meet its target either.


I’d say a revised outlook would probably be something along the lines of:

Pfizer - 2.2m
AZ - 500K
Moderna - 300k
J&J - 300K

So I will estimate 3.3 as opposed to 3.8. I’d imagine it’s possible the Pfizer figure could improve toward the end of June as the US looks like it will probably have all the heavy lifting done in their campaign at that point.

I can also see some sort of deal being done where people will be allowed up north to get their vaccine once the UK are in the final stretch of their campaign.

The EMA have already come out and said copontafuck

How do the coincidence theorists explain four young frontline healthcare workers all being hospitalised with unusual symptoms shortly after receiving the AZ vaccine?

This is in Norway, a country of 5m. 2 of these people are now dead.

Are we just led to believe that all these circumstances are hugely coincidental?

How many young healthcare workers are hospitalised or die from blood clotting on a weekly basis in Norway on average?

Lockdown inertia

That’s some going.

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And I’ve done a new table where I predict how many weeks it will take for the magic number to be hit at the latest weekly rate.


Egghead playing a blinder, just 61 weeks to go!!!

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Sunday is a transition day

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Yet Chump doesn’t think it’s fitting to ask Sleepy Joe for spare vaccines FFS. Now is not the time to be putting on a brave face. He made a song and dance about the White House visit about us having a special relationship with the US that no one else has so use it. It’s like the lad who goes to Ibiza and blows all his money on day one and when his parents ring to see how he’s getting on, he tells them he’s fine.


Sounds like the voice of experience :grinning:


In their defence they would have had to cancel most of whatever was planned for Sunday due to the suspension of AZ that morning.

The government put such little value on my personal freedom or on my chances of ever starting a family that they don’t want to pay a few quid extra for my vaccine. Meaning while they’ll make me pay up €10,000 for their bank bailout. Simon Harris cares :heart:


There should be a lot of spare vaccines by June in the US. U.K. will probably still have a lag with so many needing their second AZ shot. Hopefully more come our way but I suspect a lot of US ones will get rerouted to Mexico and Canada.

Pals of mine in US in their 40s who are not front line or vulnerable are being vaccinated now.

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But AZ is only 20% generally of waht is being administered.

So they cancelled 200 doses.

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