Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

No rush sure.

No point getting a head of steam built up with Easter coming up soon as well
Slow and steady wins the race

Its a marathon, not a sprint, as we have been told. there is no rush to get everyone vaccinated. And if some drop off along the way, then so be it.

Tis far too early in the season to be peaking. Lads frothing about the roll-out would be the same lads laughing at Davy for prioritising the league.

Lookit, that’s life

Martin has to go lads, Leo back in

Going to be an awful let down for lads when the flu kicks in next winter @Thomas_Brady

“We obtained results that could explain the clinical evolution of our hospitalised patients,” said Paal Andre Holme, a director of the national hospital in Oslo.

“These results support our theory… that these patients had a strong immune response which led to the formation of antibodies that could affect the (blood) platelets and lead to a thrombus” or blood clot, he added.

Asked if the death was caused by the vaccine, he replied: “I don’t see any other possibility at this point,” while emphasising that it was still a question of “indicators”.

Of course the EMA says nothing to see here.

Do you understand the concept of risk acceptance at all?

Do you want to ban cars because of the risk of dying in a car accident?

And EMA did say something - they acknowledged the risks but said the benefits outweigh those risks. What more do you want from them?




No vaccine is 100% safe.


Nothing to see here.

Young healthy people were killed by a vaccine that people are being coerced into taking for something they have a minimal chance of experiencing severe disease from.

These benefits which are negligible for u40s outweigh the risks (death in this case) according to the EMA.


What evidence or qualifications have you on which to base your contradiction of the experts?

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I’m not the one contradicting the experts.

The experts in Norway say the vaccine was a cause of this death. The Norwegian doctor on RTE last night said the people that died from the vaccine would have had a minimal chance of severe illness from Covid 19.

Why the fuck are they talking to him? Pure scaremongering.

The first two stories on the news on the radio this morning were firstly Ronan Glynn not-saying-but-really-saying that we’d need tight restrictions into at least June to avoid the fourth wave and then an interview with some random academic from England saying that vaccines wouldn’t be enough to end lockdown and we needed a very gradual easing of restrictions. The thought that we could just look and see what happens in the UK didn’t seem to occur to RTE. RTE is the enemy, it loves the lockdown.


They had a doctor (specialist in strokes) on Morning Ireland this morning who said there was no risk with AZ vaccine and there was a higher risk from drugs such as pill, HRT and from smoking of getting clots. He said you could give aspirin before vaccine but risk from aspirin is arguably higher. He said actually there’s a higher risk of stroke from Covid than stroke from vaccine. Risk of stroke from vaccine is about one million to one.

Follow up question - tell me more about this risk of stroke from Covid. We’ve not heard that before

It’s beyond parody now


I’m happy to go with the experts on this one mate.

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On the balance of probability, yes. Senior sources in Government believe AstraZeneca could be given out by the weekend, a view shared by Prof McConkey.

Lash it out to the at risk and then see where we are

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Shur you could be knocked down by a bus in the morning