Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’d imagine J&J are the most coveted due to the speed they can be rolled out so if the US are likely to ship off any it would be Pfizer and Moderna I’d imagine.

I believe J&J just flagged that as a possibility. They don’t want another situation like with AZ announcing a week out that they will not make two thirds of the delivery that they were supposed to. They might not know how to run a professional football team but you’d have faith in J&J generally to deliver.

No More Tears


re. AZ

And AZ. They have 30m sitting in Ohio and they can produce more there. AZ seemed quite desperate for FDA approval but I suspect they are now hoping that Biden releases them to the U.K., EU, Canada, India and rest of the world. They are feeling the pressure for the first time in the U.K., they made a lot of promises they couldn’t keep.

Like any professional services firm. Just don’t answer the phone for a while. Be grand.

Make promise. Break promise. Lie. Be grand.


I don’t really see the US need for them. They are flying with their own rollout at present. and should be concluded by May. I think they will probably decide to release them sometime in April/May when the endline is in sight.

Agreed. It should provide some relief to the shitshow AZ have made of this globally.

These AZ cunts are some Del Boy operation.

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EMA press conference is at 5PM CET. Will be interesting to hear what they have to say.


A grand rest week for the team to get some downtime, but they’ll be up the walls Tuesday to Friday next week now


At the HSE briefing today they said the plan for next week was between 70K and 75k. That doesn’t include AZ.

FFS - remobilised


Relax, its the day after Paddys. Tomorrow is Friday. It’ll be grand Monday.

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Monday is a down day too, leave it til Tuesday. no harm taking a week off around Paddys day, we’re in no rush sure, Covid respects down time.

That’s a punch in the gut for frontline workers.

Be grand.