Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Kate Bingham, a venture capitalist who led the committee that advised the British government on vaccination, has described the strategy this way: “I think it’s the right public health response, which is to show that you try and vaccinate as many people as possible, as soon as possible. Better to protect everybody a bit rather than to vaccinate fewer people to give them an extra 10 percent protection.”

9% compared to 41%

Who’s who?

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US production figures here.


Dose timeline


According to HHS, these are the contracted production targets for vaccine manufacturers:




  • March 31: 120 million doses
  • May 31: 80 million doses
  • July 31: 100 million doses




  • March 31: 100 million doses
  • May 31: 100 million doses
  • July 31: 100 million doses




  • June 30: 100 million doses
  • To be determined: An additional 100 million doses

Once the end of May passes the EU should then start to get big supplies. You’d expect that the supply would allow for about 500k doses to be potentially rolled out in a week in June.

Are the govt and HSE formulating plans to allow that capability or will it be another afterthought?

Why don’t you inform yourself even a tiny bit instead of asking stupid questions on here?

Do you have an answer to that question?

Yes or no.

Typical little bullyboy behaviour from you when a pertinent questions ask.

Grow up and stop acting like a spoilt child.

It’s not a pertinent question. Even a cursory look at the plans that have been outlined so far would answer it for you. It’s a stupid question.

Right dipshit.

Spotlight on you.

What’s the max amount of vaccines govt can rollout in a day?

What’s their capacity, I can’t find an answer on it. You’re saying it’s out there. So you can either put up or show the forum for the abusive loud mouthed fanny you are and fail to answer that quesiton.

The challenge is thrown down but as usual you will show everyone you are all bark and no bite.

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I will be receiving a Moderna vaccine tomorrow evening.


They’ll be doing a million a month from may onwards.

Try to tone down the childish name-calling.

But what’s their max capability? 250k a week is not really going to cut if they’re in receipt of 500k vaccines a week in June.

If you don’t know just say so rather than behaving like a petulant child.

Why don’t you go look it up? They’re aiming for a million a month. That’d be pretty good I reckon.

Why don’t I go look it up?

I asked the question. You contended it but it seems you did contended it on a point of ignorance, doofus.

As I said, if you don’t know then just say so rather than behaving like a petulant child.

More childish name-calling.

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The UK have done 2.96m in the first 5 days of this week. If they keep that rate going over the weekend they could have around 4m done this week.

About 90% of the over 50s have received at least 1 dose of the vaccine is Israel.


Those who weren’t vaccinated at all made up the vast majority of deaths towards the end of February.


Can you explain the axis on the bottom and top, pal.

My Hebrew ain’t what it used to be.


1 - % First dose vaccinated

2 - % Second dose vaccinated

Can’t translate 3 as I cant copy it into google translate :slight_smile:

Link to the dashboard > קורונה - לוח בקרה

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I’m sure @mickee321 could translate it for you

That’s some going to be fair

They are as near completely done as you’ll get at this point.

What will very interesting is next month and the month after and what their cases and deaths are like. If they are minimal then it’s time to get back to normal and fuck every single restriction brought it.