Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

in English…
% of total population group.

this is bibis great hope on Tuesday, he hopes this will carry him thru…there are even signs in Arabic to support Likud which would be unthinkable 5 years ago…but there you go

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Someone memo NPHET and the sindo for suggesting vaccines only offer limited protection. People will end up in hospital sick once vaccines are completed (god knows what decade). But who goes into hospital when they are not sick

a literal “get out if jail card”…

EU rebuffs UK calls to ship AstraZeneca COVID vaccines from Europe

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is rebuffing British government calls to ship AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines produced in a factory in the Netherlands, an EU official said on Sunday.

Former EU member Britain has so far administered many more vaccines than EU countries in proportion to the population.

“The Brits are insisting that the Halix plant in the Netherlands must deliver the drug substance produced there to them. That doesn’t work,” the official told Reuters.

The Leiden-based plant which is run by sub-contractor Halix is listed as a supplier of vaccines in both the contracts that AstraZeneca has signed with Britain and with the European Union.

“What is produced in Halix has to go to the EU,” the official added.

Britain has insisted that contracts must be respected.

“The European Commission will know that the rest of the world is looking at the Commission, about how it conducts itself on this, and if contracts get broken, and undertakings, that is a very damaging thing to happen for a trading bloc that prides itself on the rules of law,” Defence Minister Ben Wallace said on Sky News earlier in answer to a question about Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen’s threat to block exports to Britain.

The EU official said the EU was not breaking any contract.

The European Union threatened on Wednesday to block exports of COVID-19 vaccines to Britain to safeguard scarce doses for its own citizens, with Von der Leyen saying the epidemiological situation was worsening.

AstraZeneca has not yet sought approval in the EU for Halix, but the official and a second EU source said the request was on its way.

Without regulatory approval, vaccines produced at Halix cannot be used in the EU.

An internal AstraZeneca document seen by Reuters shows that the company expects EU approval on March 25.

AstraZeneca has declined to comment on the amount of vaccines that are currently stockpiled at Halix.

The EU official said the factory had already produced shots, but was not able to quantify the output. Under the EU contract with AstraZeneca, vaccines must be produced before approval and be delivered immediately afterwards.

Two factories in Britain run by Oxford Biomedica and Cobra Biologics are also listed as suppliers to the EU in the contract with AstraZeneca, but no vaccine has so far been shipped from Britain to the EU, despite Brussels’ earlier requests.

Officials have said that Cobra is not fully operational. AstraZeneca told EU officials that the UK is using a clause in its supply contract that prevents export of its vaccines until the British market is fully served, EU officials said.

Boris will do anything to get this rolled out to save his skin. Under 50s being done here now.

cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


The issues with the rollout are really all much ado about nothing until the big deliveries start coming in

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To an extent. They’ve not been able to sort it out with smaller numbers and a much easier set up where the majority are hospital and nursing home settings. They certainly aren’t filling me with confidence that they can manage to go at 4 times the current level now.

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Only problem is that the EU factories need some raw materials produced in the UK.

We’ll be drowning in the stuff come summer. Our biggest risk atm in Europe is this Von Der Lyin unintentionally starting WW3 with Boris.

Or contractors to upgrade machines for the new product (covid vaccine) etc

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Update: A night of chills, sweats and now it looks like I’ll have sole responsibility for bottles, naps and nappies for the duration of an already Excel filled day. So far I’d give the AZ vaccine a:
Not Much Craic/10.





You have to laugh.
Peer reviewed studies show the AZ vaccine is only offers 10% protection against the south African variant…the one currently SWEEPING across Europe.
So we’re looking at another lockdown, and another booster vaccine rollout…I suppose it’ll overlap the current roll out.

My man in Russia tells me pretty much anyone in Russia can sign up to get their sputnik now, unless you are unemployed :grinning: Leo & Vlad have a lot in common.

It’s easy for them to offer that though, no one wants it. They don’t trust their government t’all t’all. 5% of their own population done, and they making a show of the EU pretending they can help.

How’s the ivermectin coming?

250k a week is good going for Ireland. That’s in the ballpark of the numbers we are looking at with envy over in the US and UK on a per head of population basis.

Would be nice if we could get more but we will he quickly out of this once we start getting up to that level.

A month of 250k a week would do us sure. We’d be well into the at risk then

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I’m concerned that the HSE wont be able to ramp up once the vaccines come available.

I’m also concerned that the amount promised wont transpire seeing as just about every vaccine supplier is making less than they promised

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