Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Totally agree with you @PhattPike , that would be a logical, sensible approach but I havent seen anything like that from Nphet etc over the last 12 months.

Yes mate. Why the fuck would anyone get a vaccine if it didn’t build immunity?
Where are you reading this absolute garbage?

They claim that they reduce severe symptoms mate - they don’t know yet if the vaccines can provide immunity from the virus.

Thats well known even on the likes of RTE etc

Article from BBC -

Jesus fucking Christ. Covid is a disease not a virus. The vaccine stimulates your immune system to develop the antibodies and T-cells to fight off the virus should you encounter it, and you don’t develop the disease. Just like any other vaccine for any other disease. People who are vaccinated are not getting the disease, look at the numbers out of Israel and now the UK and compare them to countries that are lagging on vaccination.

Transmission is an entirely different subject. The evidence to date is that the vaccines greatly reduce the risk of transmission, as you would expect as it’s people who have the disease and are shedding a lot of virus are the main spreaders.


Or a complete waste of vaccines

No need to lose the head mate, its too early to tell according to the BBC above in terms of immunity and transmission - that was my point which I’ve produced a source for, maybe have a read of it.

They’ve a quote from Imperial College London there too. I think you’ll agree ICL had a big impact on goverment decision with their models etc, so I think its important to keep up to date in relative terms anyway on their analysis.

That’s not what the article is saying, admittedly it’s badly written, maybe read it again. You need to separate the two concepts in your head, immunity and transmission. A vaccine builds immunity to a disease, once you are vaccinated and build immunity, you will not develop the disease. Are there exceptions, of course there are, a few people won’t build immunity because of a compromised immune system and a few people might be prone to reinfection, but these are very very rare, and there’s fuck all we can do about that anyway other than them staying as safe as they can.

It’s looking more and more like the transmission concern is a red herring, and she says this herself towards the end of the article. Just like there is not much evidence that asymptomatic people transmit the virus, there’s so far no evidence that people who have been vaccinated and have built immunity (typically 2-4 weeks) transmit it either.

Sorry for lashing out mate, but it’s just incorrect to say the vaccine does not build immunity. It does, you can argue about how good the immunity is and how long it lasts, but it builds immunity. In exactly the same fashion as someone who has had Covid and recovered built immunity.


Fair points mate, the signs from Israel are good in fairness but I don’t think anyone will know conclusively either way until maybe the end of the year with regards to their real efficacy.

I suppose my other concern which I raised earlier which was equally as important was governments use of the PCR test at high levels 35-45 cycles, does that test really isolate people who have had covid and are perfectly fine? I believe Fauci even flagged that previously.

Ultimately mate I just dont have any fate in our crowd in government or the opposition to have the political courage to open up without seeing how everyone else is getting on first when it comes to opening up the country properly and or deal with Nphet.

Hopefully all goes well - I have my doubts though.

Just had the first jab of the Pfizer (I know, backtrack) vaccine there, a mild bit of stiffness in the arm it was administered to but nothing else so far. Just in case of more severe side effects I’m on my second large GnT and just ate a small brownie, better safe than sorry. If I don’t make it through the night, farewell TFK, sorry for lashing out @mikehunt, Galway for the AI in 2025, hon the Nogra.


I’m dead, trying to do a @Lazarus


What’s heaven like mate? Is Keady running the place?

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It’s just reruns of 1990 and eventually the umpire gives a 70.


You’ve had a bad feeling for some time tbf.

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He’s a right dangerous one this lad.

Another 1.1 million in April so :eyes:

250k pw is now the expectancy.

Anything below that will not be tolerated.

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1.1m without the AZ shit show being sorted. Surely another 100k at least when it is

Egghead mentioned that by the end of June 80% of adults should be vaccinated

Monday 9579

A serious RAMP up. Using all that AZ stockpile.